What caused WW1? WW1 began in August 1914. It was triggered by the assassination of the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand by a member of the Serbian terrorist.

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Presentation on theme: "What caused WW1? WW1 began in August 1914. It was triggered by the assassination of the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand by a member of the Serbian terrorist."— Presentation transcript:

1 What caused WW1? WW1 began in August It was triggered by the assassination of the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand by a member of the Serbian terrorist group The Black Hand. How did an assassination of an Austrian by a Serbian suddenly start a war that involved most of the major European countries including Austria-Hungary, France, Great Britain, Germany, Italy and Russia?

2 What caused WW1? Some thoughts and history…
Economically and industrially, Great Britain was the largest power with colonies worldwide. France controlled much of Northern Africa. Germany was growing rapidly and seeking colonies with resources to exploit. Militarily, Great Britain had a large navy, but Germany was building a very powerful and bigger navy. France, Germany and Russia had large armies.

3 What caused WW1? Some more thoughts and history…
Geographically, Germany is located between France and Russia. Austria-Hungary is below Germany. Historically, other European countries forced Germany and Italy to divide after the Napoleonic Wars. These two countries were later reunified. France lost parts of its territory to Germany during the Franco-Prussian War. As well, Austria-Hungary took control of Bosnia from Serbia. Germany, Austria-Hungary and Russia each wanted to control the Balkans…land along their shared borders.

4 What caused WW1? And even more thoughts and history…
Strategically, Germany and Austria-Hungary agreed to defend one another in the event of an attack by Russia. To offset the threat from Germany, France and Russia agreed to defend each other in the event of a German attack. Great Britain did not want to be left out of any power sharing. Great Britain and France agreed to defend one another in the event of a German attack. Finally, Italy signed a defensive agreement with Germany and Austria-Hungary.

5 What caused WW1? So, let us reconsider the question…
How did an assassination of an Austrian by a Serbian suddenly start a war that involved most of the major European countries including Austria-Hungary, France, Great Britain, Germany, Italy and Russia? Using the information, what do you think? Four reasons… Alliances Military expansion Industry and colonial expansion (called Imperialism) Nationalism (…my country first).

6 What caused WW1? European Alliances --
Triple Entente included Great Britain, France and Russia. Serbia was allied with Russia. Triple Alliance was Austria-Hungary, Germany and Italy. What country would defend what country when a Serbian shot an Austrian? You are an Austrian. What would you do after the assassination?

7 What caused WW1? What happened next….
Austria-Hungary sent Serbia an ultimatum. Austria-Hungary wanted to send its army into the area to look for the Black Hand. Serbia said, “No.” Why did Serbia refuse? …If the Austrian army entered Serbian, it would never leave. Eventually, Austria could control all of Serbia. Would you have refused?

8 What caused WW1? The next step….
Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. What did Serbia do? Serbia asked Russia for help. Russia declared war on Austria-Hungary. What did Austria-Hungary do? Austria-Hungary asked for Germany’s help. Germany declared war on Russia. Since France was a Russian ally, Germany also declared war on France. Germany immediately invaded France. Next, Great Britain declared war on Germany because Germany had crossed through neutral Belgium to attack France…and WW1 began.

9 What caused WW1? In summary…. One event in 1914, an assassination, triggered the start of WW1. However, there were four causes for the war. Everyone had big armies (Military). Everyone needed supplies to make their industries work (Imperialism). Everyone thought their country was the best (Nationalism). Countries had made deals to defend each other (Alliances).

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