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CH 7 History of Islamic World 7.1.4 Describe the historical origins, central beliefs, and spread of major religions. 7.1.7 Explain the influence of Muslim.

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Presentation on theme: "CH 7 History of Islamic World 7.1.4 Describe the historical origins, central beliefs, and spread of major religions. 7.1.7 Explain the influence of Muslim."— Presentation transcript:

1 CH 7 History of Islamic World 7.1.4 Describe the historical origins, central beliefs, and spread of major religions. 7.1.7 Explain the influence of Muslim civilization on the growth of cities, the development of trade routes, political organizations and scientific and cultural contributions to other cultures of the time.

2 Arabia Southwest corner of Asia Climate- hot and dry air Desert, windy, and sandy

3 Nomads in Arabia Lived in tents and herded sheep Traveled the desert in search of food and water Tribes- a group of related people who traveled together or offered safety from strangers.

4 Muhammad Born in Mecca around 570 AD Came from an important family Was a wealthy caravan business owner Married Khadijah

5 Muhammad Becomes a Prophet 610 AD Muhammad did not like the poor being neglected. At the age of 40 went to a mountain was told to recite and write down the word of God. Islam- the messages received from Muhammad by God. Muslim- someone who follows the teachings of Islam.

6 Hira- The Cave

7 Islam Spreads Treat the poor with kindness Treat slaves with respect Spiritual Rewards for those who do good deeds. Qur’an- the holy book of Islam Allah- which means “God” Like Judaism and Christianity, Islam is Monotheistic.

8 Reaction to Islam Mecca rulers grew worried. Threatened to kill Muhammad due to it growing and its popularity. In 622 Muhammad and his followers moved to Medina- which means prophet’s city. The Hegira- the journey from Mecca to Median. This became an important date in 622AD 622- the first year of the Islamic calendar Mosque- a building for Muslim prayer.

9 The Journey

10 Muhammad Influence Spiritual and political Muhammad dies in 632 AD Islam spreads past the Arabian Peninsula

11 More than One Billion Muslims Today Indonesia 210 Million Pakistan 155 Million India 145 Million China 140 Million Bangladesh 123 Million


13 Section 2 Islamic Beliefs and Practices The Qur’an- Islam’s Holy Book, believed to be direct word and teaching from God. Beliefs- There is only one God. God will judge all people. The good will live in paradise. The bad will suffer. Rules for Worship Don’t eat pork or drink alcohol Do ritual washing before praying

14 Practices and Beliefs Jihad-which means “to make an effort, or to struggle. Hadith- reports of Muhammad’s deeds and sayings. Written down by followers. 200 years after his death. Sunnah-Muhammad’s example for the duties and way of life expected of Muslims. Other Books:

15 Five Pillars of Islam 1. Statement of Faith 2. Daily prayer five times of day facing Mecca. 3. Yearly donation to chairity 4. Fasting during Ramadan 5. Pilgrimage to Mecca

16 Most Sacred Place Mecca-birth place of Muhammad The Hajj- A trip every Muslim Must make in their Lifetime. Pg 178-179

17 Kaaba Walk seven times around structure. Hajar al Aswad- black stone which pilgrims touch as they walk by.

18 Ramadan Holiday that Muslims celebrate. They will not eat or drink anything between dawn and sunset for a month. 9 th Month in the Islamic Calendar

19 Shariah Laws designed to judge the rightness of the actions of a person or community. Sets rewards for good behavior. Punishment for crimes. Death Some Islamic states mix Islamic law with their legal system.

20 Chapter 7 Section 3 and 4 Muslim Empires and Achievements Caliph- means successor a title that Muslims use for the highest leader of Islam Who came after Muhammad’s death? Abu Bakr- directed a series of battles that unified Arabia into a Muslim state. 634 AD

21 Islam Spreads Muslims conquered lands. Non Muslims could not build churches in Muslim cities but could practice Christianity or Judaism freely. They were not forced to convert. Conquered – Persian and Byzantine Trade helps Islam Spreads to India, Africa, and Southeast Asia

22 Islamic Dynasty Abu Bakr- Muhammad’s family member. United Muslim Empire. Invaded Spain in 711 AD Umayyads -Muslim Dynasty that moved capital to Damascus in Muslim conquered Syria. Also land in Central Asia and India. Gained control of trade in the Mediterranean and North Africa. Abbasids- Muslim family dynasty came to power in 749 AD.

23 Cultural Diffusion Tolerance- acceptance of another person’s beliefs or values. Muslims did not ban other religions because they shared views with some. Arabic language, cultural, and customs were shared and adopted by people who were conquered by Muslims.

24 Ottoman Empire Mid 1200’s ruled land from Eastern Europe to North Africa and Arabia. Janissaries- conquered slave soldiers who converted to Islam and became fierce loyal warriors. Mehmed II- leader who conquered Constantinople changing the name to Istanbul. He also turned the Byzantine’s great church the Hagia Sophia into a mosque.


26 Safavid Empire Persian Muslims from present day Iran. Led by Esmail and Abbas Came into conflict with other Muslims including the Ottomans. Disputed over who should be caliph. Believed Muhammad’s son in law is one true heir and right to rule The Muslims split into two groups. Shia- only Muhammad’s descendants only can be caliphs. (Safavid/ Iran) Sunni- do not think caliphs have to be descendants of Muhammad (Ottoman)

27 Safavid Leader Abbas became Shah in 1588. (King). Abbas defeated the Uzbeks and took back land lost to the Ottomans. Esfahan- capital city

28 Mughal Empire Turkish Muslims in Northern India. 1500’s to 1700’s Descendants of Mongols from Central Asia. Babur- tried to build in empire in Central Asia but failed, instead he built one in Northern India instead. Akbar- became leader in mid 1500’s and expanded the Mughal Empire


30 Muslim Developments in Astronomy Improved calculations of time and developed better clocks. Astrolabe- a device that allowed people to calculate their location on earth Geography- by studying the stars it improved more accurate maps and improved trade.

31 Philosophy: Sufism People could find God’s love by having a personal relationship with God. Sufi Poets and other Achievements in Literature The Rubayyat of Omar Khayyam Sinbad, Aladdin, and Ali Baba

32 Math and Medicine Advance the number 0. Algebra World’s First Pharmacy

33 Minarets and Calligraphy Minarets- tall towers from Muslims are called to prayer Calligraphy- decorative writing.

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