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Total Health Class Chapter 10 A Shining Light

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1 Total Health Class Chapter 10 A Shining Light
Fragile, Handle with Care Protecting Your Eyes and Ears A Healthy Smile Standing Tall

2 “But without faith it is impossible to please God, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” Hebrews 11:6

3 How Did YOU Answer These Questions??
How do you please God? Are there other faith scriptures that come to mind. ie: “The just shall live by faith not by sight.” Do you believe that He is? And …. That God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

4 A Shining Light “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put in under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:

5 How are you that shining Light?
Are you willing to be that city on a hill that cannot be hidden? How are you giving your Father in heaven glory? (Define glory – fame?)

6 Remember to really think about this verse this week;
Look at the other bible versions of this verse; Let your meditations turn into prayers, talking with God; Ask God to reveal and show you special things about it; Consider defining key words in the verse; He may encourage or correct you; Write down what you think He may be telling you about this verse

7 Have you ever noticed…? Someone who beamed – their countenance was like a radiant light. That light comes from within – beaming with happiness. How does that happen?

8 Physical Appearance When you care enough to keep your body clean and looking its best, you are showing respect to yourself and to others. Feeling good about your physical appearance enhances your overall feeling about yourself.

9 Of course you can get out-of-balance if you spend too much time and energy on your outward appearance. Someone with a good self-esteem stands straighter, smiles more, and projects a sense of friendliness and confidence.

10 What's on the inside matters most to God.
The Bible tells us that God's focus is on developing our inner beauty so that it can be reflected in everything we do and what we are. When are hearts are right with Him we want to have a spirit of excellence that will serve Him. We are Christian, Ambassadors for Him.

11 Encouragement Embark on a journey to make positive changes that will enhance your natural appearance. Treat your body with respect. Take care of your outer appearance and remember that the light you reflect is naturally attractive.

12 This is a Truth “For the Lord does not see as a man sees; for man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16: 7b

13 What is a first impression?
When you meet someone for the first time you quickly have a general feeling about that person. But has your first impression of anyone ever changed after you have gotten to know that person? There are many factors that create your image of someone.

14 The way you talk. Is you speech pure?
The way you make eye contact. Think about the body language clues we learned about last week. There are many factors that create your image of someone. What role does personal hygiene play in making a good first impression?

15 Skin, Hair and Hands The skin is our largest organ and is exposed to the elements. We assume that it is tough, however, the skin is very sensitive and fragile. In many ways the skin does take care of itself, you need to keep it clean, moist and protected.

16 Taking a bath Bathing, showering and washing with soap to keep your skin clean makes you look and feel good. Remember that certain soaps can dry out your skin, cause allergic reactions such as itching and flaking, and cause your skin to look worn or dull.

17 Facial skin Is the most delicate of all the skin on your body. It is also the area in which many people spend more time and money than is necessary.

18 The Do’s of Skin Care Use a mild cleanser on your face and body.
Use a light moisturizer on your skin with SPF. Use warm, not hot water Finish your shower with cool water Splash your face with cool water when you finish cleansing. Use a washcloth to gently wash your face. Protect your skin from elements, cold, wind, sun. Exercise to increase blood flow and decrease stress. Eat a balanced Diet. Get plenty of sleep to help your overall health.

19 The Don’ts of Skin Care Expensive products don’t mean better.
Don’t bake in the sun. Don’t smoke. Don’t soak in hot baths or saunas for long periods. Takes the moisture out of skin. Don’t sleep under a hot electric blanket. Don’t leave make-up on over night. Don’t stretch your skin unnecessarily. Don’t use abrasive soaps or scrubs on your face. Don’t use scented soaps is you have sensitive skin Don’t use heavy creams on your face.

20 Acne Although some adults do suffer from breakouts, acne usually get better or disappears altogether after your teen years. Some hormones cause an increase in the activity of your oil glands. As a result, an oily substance called sebum is made and eventually clogs the pores. Acne occurs when the pores of the skin become clogged with oil.

21 Three Types of Acne A Whitehead is created when oil becomes trapped inside a pore. A pore that is plugged with oil but is exposed to the air is called a blackhead because of the darkened color of the pore. The third type is a pimple. This condition is the most serious type of acne. Technically, a pimple is a clogged pore that has become infected and filled with pus.



24 Keratosis Pilaris is a skin condition that causes acne-like bumps (resembling goose bumps) from a build up of keratin, a natural protein in the skin.

25 Kerastosis pilaris affects almost half of all adults and up to 80 percent of adolescents.
What causes it? Keratosis pilaris develops when the skin produces excess keratin which traps hair follicles causing them to plug up. This can result in a thickening of the skin. How to get rid of it? Topical treatments are your best bet. Skip the acne creams, use a buff puff and a product such as clearasil.

26 Your Hair Your hair frames the most dynamic part of your presentation – your face! Hair is made up of dead cells. The roots of your hair are secured in small pockets called follicles. When the hair cells die they are forced out of the follicle and new hair cells are formed to take their place.


28 Thick, thin, wavy, curly, fine, straight, coarse…..
Different hair types need different shampoos, conditioners and cut to maximize their style. Healthy, good-looking hair is not just a matter of inheritance. Even difficult hair can be healthy if given the proper care.


30 The Right Hairstyle for You
Hairstyles change as often as clothing styles. Both guys and girls have the pressure to be “in style” when it comes to their hair cut. Not matter what is “in” at the time, find a style that is flattering for you. Your personal features and type of hair determine whether a cut will look good on hour face.

31 Remember …. If you choose a style that has bangs that cover your forehead, your skin may become irritated and this may result in more acne on your forehead.

32 The Do’s of Hair Care Protect your hair from the sun and wind.
Blot your hair with a towel when wet. Eat a balanced diet to give your hair the protein, vitamins and minerals it needs. Rinse your hair after swimming in any kind of water. Rotate the use of several brands of shampoo. Use a gently shampoo if you shampoo everyday.

33 The Don’ts of Hair Care Rub your head with a towel when it is wet.
Over-dry your hair with a blow dryer, curling irons, hot rollers and chemical treatments. Don’t over brush your hair. It will cause unnecessary damage. Use only 15 – 20 strokes when brushing.

34 Brush How Many Times ?

35 Common Problems with Hair
Dandruff is flaking of the outer layer of dead skin cells. A dry and itchy scalp may also accompany the flaky skin. Using harsh or drying shampoos can aggravate the condition. Sometimes a special dandruff shampoo can control the problem.

36 Head Lice Yuck!! These are insects that can live in the hair and look much like dandruff until you examine them closely. Head lice can be controlled by using a medicated shampoo specifically designed to control lice. It is also important to wash all the bedding, towels and clothing that may have come in contact with the lice.

37 Picture of Head lice

38 Hand Washing Keeping your hands and nails looking clean is an important part of personal hygiene. (Remember the black light?) The skin on your hands is generally tough because it is constantly exposed to the elements and various chemicals.

39 When the weather is cold, protect your hands from the air with gloves.
Apply sunscreen Wear work gloves when gardening and doing yard works Chemicals can be absorbed into your body through the skin on your hands.

40 Caring for your nails Your fingernails are Made of a tough, dead material called keratin. The cuticle surrounds the nail and ismade of nonliving skin. If you care for your nails, they can enhance your general appearance.

41 The best care for poor nails is to keep them short and apply lotion to keep the cuticles moist.
Hangnails are splits in the cuticle along the edge of the nail. These can be painful if torn. Always use clippers or nail scissors to cut the skin away.

42 Do’s of Nail Care Keep nails clean by using a nail brush and warm soapy water. Keep your nails a consistent length. Not too long or too short (a quarter inch past the nail bed for females who want to grow their nails.) Trim your fingernails and use an emery board to give them a slightly oval shape.

43 The Don’ts of Nail Care Don’t bite your nails
Don’t use your fingernails as nature’s screwdriver to assemble or take apart things that require tools. Don’t tear off hangnails, cuticles or cracked nails.

44 Protecting Your Eyes If you are experience frequent headaches, squinting, reddening or watering eyes, burning or tired eyes, you may have a problem with your vision. If you have blurred vision when trying to read objects that are close or far away, you should see an eye specialist.

45 Common Eye Problems Farsightedness (hypermetropia): You can see far objects clearly, but close objects appear blurred. Nearsightedness (myopia): You can see close objects clearly, but distant objects appear blurred. Astigmatism (distorted vision): Images are distorted because the cornea or lens is an irregular shape.

46 Eye Problems Conjunctivitis (pinkeye): an infection causing inflammation of the inner surface of the eyelid. This condition is very contagious. 5. Color Blindness: a hereditary condition where a person cannot distinguish between certain colors. More often found in men than women.



49 Eye Problems Lazy Eye (amblyopia): a condition where normal vision has failed to develop in one eye. The healthy eye dominates the vision, thus weakens the muscles of the weaker eye. Cataracts: clouding of the lens that causes some loss of vision. Glaucoma: A disease where fluid builds up damaging the optic nerve because of the pressure. This is very serious and can lead to blindness.

50 Do’s of Eye Care Use proper lighting when reading or watching TV.
Give you eyes a rest when reading or using the computer. Protect your eyes from the sun by using quality sunglasses with UVF protection. Wear protective eyewear when participating in sports or other activities. Get regular vision and eye exams to maintain healthy eyes (every 2 years).

51 The Don’ts of Eye Care Don’t rub you eyes excessively.
Don’t place any sharp objects next to your eyes or face. Don’t look directly into the sun or bright light.

52 Ears You analyze sounds in a matter of seconds. Physical hearing is a complex process. Listen carefully to the noises around you. Do you hear the sound of the rain outdoors or the low hum of the heater?

53 Your ears are the organs of hearing and balance.
There are three parts of the ear: The outer ear The middle ear The inner ear

54 The outer and middle ear collect and transmit the sounds.
Your inner ear is responsible for carrying messages to your brain where the sounds will be interpreted. The inner ear is also responsible for keeping your balance.

55 What about those tunes? Headphones have several positive features but the risks are great if you do not use caution: Using headphones can keep you inattentive to the sounds around you. (traffic, sirens, phone calls, mom calling you) Can damage your hearing if they are used for extended periods of time and if the sound is too loud.

56 The Do’s of Caring for your Ears
Protect your ears from the weather by using hats, earmuffs and remember to use sunscreen on the outside of your ears. Avoid loud noises including loud music from headphones. Use earplugs when around loud machinery or equipment. Keep small and/or sharp objects away from your ears. Have hearing exams regularly.

57 The Don’ts of Caring for your Ears
Don’t place anything in your ear if it is smaller than your elbow !!!

58 Balance Test Stand on one foot with both eyes closed.
Who can stand the longest?

59 Keeping your Balance Keeping your balance is a difficult thing, but the key to good balance is the condition and function of your inner ear. Balance or equilibrium is your ability to remain steady and in control of your body.

60 The Labyrinth in your inner ear has semicircular canals that are filled with fluid and tiny hairs.
These sensory hairs are connected to your brain. When you move your head the fluid and the hairs move sending messages to your brain. Your brain responds by telling your skeletal muscles how to adjust to keep your balance.

61 Did you hear the Ocean? Although the sound is similar, what you are really hearing is the echo of blood moving through your body and the sound of your own pulse.

62 Problems with the Ears Ear Infections: The two most common causes of an earache are: infection to the middle ear or an inflammation of the outer ear canal. Earaches: Pain in the ear caused by any infection of the nose, throat or ear.

63 Motion Sickness: The feeling of dizziness and/or nausea while riding in a car, boat, or airplane. With the constant motion, the fluid in the ear moves around, sending messages to the brain too quickly. As a result, the brain cannot distinguish the signals and becomes confused causing uneasiness in the individual. To deal with motion sickness some people look at the horizon, sit in the front seat of the car, or take medication that can control the “uncomfortable” feelings.

64 4. Deafness: the loss of hearing in one or both ears
4. Deafness: the loss of hearing in one or both ears. The degree of deafness can be partial or complete. People who suffer from partial hearing loss or impaired hearing can lead normal lives by using hearing aids. Those who lose total hearing often learn sign language and/or read lips to communcate.

65 Beethoven The great composer suffered from hearing loss while he was writing some of his best works. When he died he was almost completely deaf. Today scientists believe that Beethoven could have been helped by modern day hearing aids or surgery.

66 A healthy Smile Clean teeth, healthy gums and fresh breath communicate to others that you have good health habits. The teeth you have now as a teenager must last you the rest of your life. The 32 teeth consist of incisors, canine, premolars and molars.

67 Periodontium: consists of your jawbone, gums and ligaments and supports your teeth.

68 There are 3 Parts of a tooth
Crown: What you see Root: Below the gums Dentin: hard tissue Pulp: inside of tooth, blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue

69 Problems with Mouth and Teeth
Over 300 bacteria live in a human mouth. This bacteria causes bad breath and gum disease. When bacteria attacks your gums, gingivitis results. This is a gum disease that is caused by the plaque and tarter on the teeth. Food caught between the teeth, it not removed, may cause infection. If you experience swelling, bleeding of gums it may be a sign of gingivitis if left untreated turns into periodontal disease.

70 The bacteria that live in your mouth and add to the build-up of plaque can form as acid that destroys tooth enamel and irritates your gums. Tooth decay occurs when this acid eats a hole through the enamel on your teeth. This hole is called a cavity.

71 If the decay spreads deeper into the tooth and affects the nerve, you can suffer from a painful toothache. Generally a root canal is needed. During the root canal your dentist or specialist will drill a hole in the tooth and remove the exposed root. Then an artificial crown is made to fill the tooth.

72 Malocclusion A condition where the upper and lower teeth do not properly line up. Slight malocclusion is common but severe irregularities can be treated by orthodontic treatment (wearing braces). When overcrowding is the cause, some teeth may need to be extracted (pulled). Malocclusion usually develops in childhood, when he teeth and jaws are growing. Heredity, thumb-sucking and overcrowding of the teeth are causes of malocclusion.


74 The Do’s of Tooth Care Brush and floss regularly, after each meal if possible, at least twice a day. Avoid sugary foods, especially candies or cookies that stick to your teeth. Replace your toothbrush after you have had a cold or flu. Replace your toothbrush every few months or if the bristles become worn.

75 Floss your teeth after you brush rather than before.
Have regular dental check-ups, every six months or once a year. Eat a healthy, balanced diet. Use toothpaste that has fluoride.

76 Don’ts of Tooth Care Don’t overbrush your teeth. Overzealous scrubbing with a toothbrush can cause damage to your gums. Don’t use toothpastes that claim to whiten your teeth. The harsh abrasives may damage your teeth and make them sensitive. Don’t smoke or use chewing tobacco; these can irritate gums and can lead to cancers of the mouth.

77 Did you Know ..? That stress can affect your teeth?
Do you find yourself clenching your jaws or grinding your teeth at night? This habit can cause cracks in your teeth and a sore jaw. Your dentist can fit you with a night guard that will protect your teeth.

78 Standing Tall Just as your smile can say a lot about you, so can your posture. Your posture is the way you carry yourself. There are many reasons for poor posture. If you are depressed, sad or lack confidence, you are more likely to slouch. Why is your posture a reflection of your mood or self-image? Often times, a person does not even know what it feels like to have good posture.

79 If this is your problem try these easy exercises to remind you.
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81 How you hold and carry yourself influences how others see you and how you feel about yourself.
Having bad posture takes away from your appearance and at the same time weakens important muscles and ligaments.

82 Good Posture improves your breathing efficiency by strengthening the muscles and ligaments used in inhalation and exhalation.


84 Do you have good Understanding?
A word about feet… over your lifetime, your feet carry several million tons and cover enough distance to circle the earth more that two and a half times. Your feet play an important role in posture. Have you ever worn shoes that were so uncomfortable that standing or walking was unbearable?

85 Common Foot Problems Blister: Caused by shoes rubbing against the foot, usually from poorly-fitted shoes. Blisters can lead to corns. Corn: An overgrowth of skin on the toe. Corns are usually caused by poorly-fitted shoes. Callus: A hard, thick part of the skin on the foot. A callus is caused by the foot rubbing against the shoe.

86 Athlete’s foot: a problem caused by a fungus growing in the warm, moist places of the foot. Itching and irritation along with redness occurs. Athlete’s foot is very contagious and can be treated with over-the-counter medications. In-grown toe nails: When he nail cuts into the skin. Caused by improperly cutting the toe nails and shoes that are too tight.



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