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Safety and Health Management Program. Management commitment and employee involvement v Clearly state policy v Establish and communicate a clear goal for.

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Presentation on theme: "Safety and Health Management Program. Management commitment and employee involvement v Clearly state policy v Establish and communicate a clear goal for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Safety and Health Management Program

2 Management commitment and employee involvement v Clearly state policy v Establish and communicate a clear goal for the program and objectives for meeting that goal v Provide visible top management involvement 1a

3 Management commitment and employee involvement v Assign and communicate responsibility for all aspects of the program v Provide adequate authority and resources to responsible parties v Hold managers, supervisors, and employees accountable 1b

4 Management commitment and employee involvement v Post the organization’s policy on the importance of worker safety and health so all employees can see it v Hold meetings to communicate the policy and to discuss objectives with employees 1c

5 Management commitment and employee involvement v Managers need to take an active part, personally, in the safety and health program activities v Managers and supervisors must follow all safety requirements that employees must follow 1d

6 Management commitment and employee involvement v Employees' special knowledge needs to be tapped. Employees: make inspectionsmake inspections conduct safety trainingconduct safety training help to investigate accidentshelp to investigate accidents v Make clear assignments of responsibility for every part of the program 1e

7 Management commitment and employee involvement v To get the job done, those with responsibility are given: enough peopleenough people on-the-clock timeon-the-clock time trainingtraining enough moneyenough money authorityauthority 1f

8 Management commitment and employee involvement v Follow-up to make sure the job is done v Take time, at least annually, to: review what has been accomplishedreview what has been accomplished decide if new objectives or program revisions are neededdecide if new objectives or program revisions are needed 1g

9 Worksite analysis v Conduct comprehensive worksite surveys BaselineBaseline PeriodicPeriodic 2a

10 Worksite analysis v Analyze planned and new facilities, processes, materials and equipment v Perform routine job hazard analyses 2b

11 Worksite analysis v Request a consultation visit from your state Consultation Program Covers both safety and healthCovers both safety and health Provides a full survey of existing hazardsProvides a full survey of existing hazards Identifies hazards that could developIdentifies hazards that could develop 2c

12 Worksite analysis v Expert help may be needed when operations are changed v Changes must not introduce new hazards 2d

13 Worksite analysis v Periodically look for hidden hazards in the equipment or procedures of each job v Have a system to ensure hazard controls are working and that new hazards haven't appeared 2e

14 Worksite analysis v Employees have a way to report things that look hazardous v Conduct a thorough investigation when things do go wrong and someone gets sick or hurt 2f

15 Worksite analysis v Look for patterns in injury and illness experience Initially, look back over several yearsInitially, look back over several years Periodically, look back over several monthsPeriodically, look back over several months 2g

16 Worksite analysis v Look for patterns in injury and illness experience Identify patterns that are developingIdentify patterns that are developing Identify patterns that can lead to further preventionIdentify patterns that can lead to further prevention 2h

17 Actions necessary for hazard prevention & control v Engineering controls where feasible and appropriate v Safe work practices v Personal protective equipment 3a

18 v Administrative controls v Set up safe work procedures and make sure employees understand them v Enforce the rules for safe work procedures 3b Actions necessary for hazard prevention & control

19 v Provide personal protective equipment (PPE). Employees must know: why they need itwhy they need it how to use ithow to use it its limitationsits limitations how to maintain ithow to maintain it 3c Actions necessary for hazard prevention & control

20 v Regular equipment maintenance v Plan for emergencies, including fire and natural disasters and drill everyone 3d Actions necessary for hazard prevention & control

21 v Have a medical program that: fits the worksitefits the worksite involves nearby doctorsinvolves nearby doctors involves nearby emergency facilitiesinvolves nearby emergency facilities Actions necessary for hazard prevention & control 3e

22 v Medical personnel must be readily available for advice and consultation on matters of employee health 3f Actions necessary for hazard prevention & control

23 v The emergency medical procedure needs to include: handling injurieshandling injuries transporting ill or injured workerstransporting ill or injured workers notifying medical facilitiesnotifying medical facilities 3g Actions necessary for hazard prevention & control

24 v Medical facilities near the workplace are surveyed v Arrangements are made for them to handle routine and emergency cases v Employees know how to report injuries and illness 3h Actions necessary for hazard prevention & control

25 v When the workplace is remote from medical facilities: persons must be trained to render first- aidpersons must be trained to render first- aid persons must be available to render first-aidpersons must be available to render first-aid adequate first-aid supplies must be readily available for emergency useadequate first-aid supplies must be readily available for emergency use 3i Actions necessary for hazard prevention & control

26 v Emergency eyewash and shower facilities must be available battery charging stationsbattery charging stations maintenance operationsmaintenance operations laboratorieslaboratories heating and ventilation operationsheating and ventilation operations areas where corrosive materials are used or storedareas where corrosive materials are used or stored 3j Actions necessary for hazard prevention & control

27 v A local doctor or an occupational health nurse may be available on a part-time or as-used basis to advise on medical and first-aid planning 3k Actions necessary for hazard prevention & control

28 Safety and health training v Employees must understand that they: are not expected to undertake a job until they have received instructionare not expected to undertake a job until they have received instruction are not to undertake a job that appears unsafeare not to undertake a job that appears unsafe 4a

29 Safety and health training v Supervisors must understand their responsibility for: analyzing work for potential hazardsanalyzing work for potential hazards maintaining physical protections in their work areamaintaining physical protections in their work area reinforcing employee trainingreinforcing employee training 4b

30 Safety and health training v State consultant can recommend training v Employees need training on: every potential hazard that they could be exposed toevery potential hazard that they could be exposed to how to protect themselveshow to protect themselves 4c

31 Safety and health training v More attention to training is needed for: new employeesnew employees employees who are moving to new jobsemployees who are moving to new jobs 4d

32 Safety and health training v Supervisors must be trained to: recognize all the hazards in their arearecognize all the hazards in their area reinforce employee training with quick reminders and refreshersreinforce employee training with quick reminders and refreshers use disciplinary action, if necessaryuse disciplinary action, if necessary 4e

33 Safety and health training v Responsibility and accountability rests with: top management stafftop management staff subordinate supervisory employeessubordinate supervisory employees 4f

34 Document activities v Safety and health recordkeeping v Injury and illness records v Exposure records v Others 5a

35 Action plan v Overall list of the major changes or improvements that are needed v Specific plan on how to implement each major change or improvement 6a

36 Action plan v Put the plan into action v Communicate with employees v Periodic review 6b

37 Action plan v Documentation v Assistance v Summary 6c

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