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Presentation on theme: " Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Building Thematic Area FANRPAN Partners’ Meeting 13 June 2011, Pretoria, South Africa."— Presentation transcript:

1 Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Building Thematic Area FANRPAN Partners’ Meeting 13 June 2011, Pretoria, South Africa

2 Background FANRPAN mandate - to lead, coordinate and facilitate policy research, analysis and advocacy and strengthen policy capacity. Delivery is challenged by several factors, including: Lack of human and infrastructural capacity in the Regional Secretariat and node hosting institutions; Lack of benchmarks and M&E frameworks to track capacity of node hosting institutions; Poor capacity for country-level resource mobilization, agenda setting and policy advocacy; and Limited effectiveness of nodal institutions and stakeholder participation in policy processes.

3 Project Summary TitleStrengthening Evidence-Based Agricultural Policy Advocacy and Harmonization in Southern Africa Duration2005 – 2011 (since FANRPAN relocation to South Africa) FocusSADC region Funding partner Grants total$4,2 million Project components Consolidating FANRPAN network capacities and support to CAADP, COMESA and SADC RISDP Improving agricultural productivity and nutrition of poor rural households: Strategies for identifying vulnerable households and improved targeting for input support Information dissemination to strengthen policy advocacy in agriculture and natural resources

4 USAID Investment in FANRPAN FANRPAN’s annual signed contract amounts grew from US$1 million in 2004 to US$7 million in 2010. Cumulative funding over the period stands at US$17.8 million, of which 18% contributed by USAID.

5 Key achievements

6 Year 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 123456789101112131415 Number of MOUs Signed Partnerships with regional & international organizations

7 FANRPAN Partnerships by Stakeholder Grouping - A total of 65 partnerships currently: Regional Economic Communities (2) Governments (4) Sub-Regional Organisations (4) Farmer Organisation (2) Private Sector (2) Universities (10) Civil Society Organisations (15) International Organisation and CGIARs (27)

8 Institutional capacity assessment of node hosts Use Partner Institutional Viability Assessment (PIVA) tool to assess the capacity of node hosting institutions with respect to: Governance and leadership Operations and management systems Human resource development Financial management systems Programmes and service delivery External relations and advocacy

9 Institutional capacity assessment of node hosts Country Year 200520072010 Regional Secretariat 1. Angola 2. Botswana 3. DRC 4. Lesotho 5. Madagascar 6. Malawi 7. Mauritius 8. Mozambique 9. Namibia 10. South Africa 11. Swaziland 12. Tanzania 13. Zambia 14. Zimbabwe

10 Organisation Development SystemsBaseline August 2007 Target by Sept 2009 Actual Score by Sept 2010 Governance System53 (80%)60 68 Operations and Management System73 (74%)83 103 Human Resources Development System45 (82%)49 55 Financial Management System57 (92%)61 62 Programme and Service Delivery25 (66%)32 39 External Relations and Advocacy System66 (72%)80 103 Total score 319 (78%)365 430 PIVA Results: Swaziland Node Hosting Institution – CANGO

11 Capacity needs assessment of node hosts Areas of capacity development Angola Botswana DRC Lesotho Madagasca r Malawi Mauritius Mozambiq ue Namibia South Africa Swaziland Tanzania Zambia Zimbabwe Communication, visibility and PRXX X X XX XX Monitoring, Impact and LearningXXXX XXXXX XXX Strategic planning and executionXX X XX X XX Resource mobilisation/core funding X X XXXXXXXXX Dissemination of research results X X X Constituency input into programming X X X Convening multi-s/holder dialogue/advocacy X X XX X Human resources management X XX X Engagement of Non-State ActorsX X X Regional integration in programming X X Learning from others in the region X Policy analysis and research skills X X X Networking and partnerships X X XX XXXX Board leadership and governanceX XX X XXX Information management (databases) XX XXX X Financial management X X

12 Training of media and policy analysts Training ActivityNo. of participantsDate and venue 1.2008 Node Common Visioning Workshop Understanding networks, their functions and role in policy processes 24 (Node coordinators, FANRPAN Secretariat) 4- 5 February 2008, Johannesburg, South Africa 2. 2009 Node Common Visioning Workshop Advocating for policy change/reform; M&E of projects; Social network analysis 20 (Node coordinators, FANRPAN Secretariat) 1 - 2 April 2009, Pretoria, South Africa 3. Media reporting on agriculture, food security, climate change and economic development in Africa 20 (Journalists and media practitioners) 27 – 29 August 2009, Maputo, Mozambique 4. 2010 Node Common Visioning Workshop Results based management; Advocacy; Partner institutional viability assessment 35 (Node coordinators, FANRPAN Secretariat) 24 – 26 February, Pretoria, South Africa 5. Policy analysis training (AWARD training programme) 120 (female agricultural researchers) January and March 2010, Ghana, Mozambique and Uganda 5. Media reporting on CAADP, agriculture, food security and climate change in Africa 28 (Journalists and media practitioners) 30 – 31 August 2010, Windhoek, Namibia 6. 2011 Node Common Visioning Workshop Partner institutional viability assessment 26 (Node coordinators, FANRPAN Secretariat) 22 – 23 February 2011, Mbabane, Swaziland

13 Regional Policy Dialogues YearVenueThemeParticipants 2005South AfricaCreating a Conducive Policy Environment for a Food Secure Southern Africa 108 2006South AfricaCreating a Conducive Policy Environment for Inputs Intensification and Market Development for Increased Production and productivity 43 2007ZambiaMeeting the Demand for Effective Food Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis in Southern Africa “Triggers” for Agricultural Growth in Southern Africa 176 2008MalawiRegional Strategies for Addressing the Global Food Crisis180 2009MozambiqueTrue Contribution of Agriculture to Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction in Southern Africa Maputo, Mozambique 226 2010NamibiaLivestock & Fisheries Policies for Food Security and Trade in a Changing Climate 250 2011SwazilandAdvocating for the Active Engagement of the Youth in the Agricultural Value Chain

14 Moving forward

15 Regional to continental 2010 FANRPAN AGM decision to go Africawide FANRPAN growth on projects not matched by that on institutional capacity New FANRPAN co-funding proposal on Strengthening Policy Advocacy and Research Capacity for Enhanced Food Security in SADC and COMESA Member States Project goal: Contribute to the establishment of viable food, agriculture and FANR policies in eastern and southern Africa Project purpose: Strengthen the capacity of FANRPAN regional and national secretariats to coordinate and facilitate FANR policy research, analysis and advocacy, and of state and non-state actors to participate in policy processes

16 Project Summary TitleStrengthening Policy Advocacy and Research Capacity for Enhanced Food Security in SADC and COMESA Member States Duration2011 - 2015 FocusSADC and COMESA regions Prospective Funding ACBF, B&M Gates Foundation, DFID, AusAID Grants total$16,9 million Project components Strengthen institutional capacity of FANRPAN regional and national node secretariats; Enhance capacity of FANR ministries and research institutions to conduct policy research and analysis; Strengthen capacity of farmers, private sector and CSOs to demand and utilise evidence-based FANR policies; Strengthen FANR policy dialogue and advocacy structures and mechanisms; and Scale up evidence and advocacy on food security, agriculture and climate change triad.

17 Proposed expansion of the Network Existing: Angola, Botswana, DRC, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe 2011: Kenya, Uganda 2012: Burundi, Rwanda 2013: Ethiopia, Eritrea 2014: Sudan 2015: Libya, Egypt West Africa: as and when any country is able to join

18 Thank you

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