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Using the Progressives Note:What were you doing? What are you doing? What will you be doing?

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Presentation on theme: "Using the Progressives Note:What were you doing? What are you doing? What will you be doing?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Using the Progressives Note:What were you doing? What are you doing? What will you be doing?

2 Juan está pagando la cuenta.  Notice that you conjugate the first verb, the helping verb.  ESTAR is conjugated. It is the helping verb.  Then, you add the present participle (--ing word) of the main verb.  Pagar is not conjugated. Use the participle of the main verb.  AR verbs use –ando.  ER verbs use –iendo.  IR verbs use –iendo.

3 Most verbs follow this pattern. Form AR participle  Start with the infinitive, ENTRAR.  Drop the AR, ENTR-.  Add –ando, ENTRANDO. Form ER/IR participle  Start with infinitive, COMER or VIVIR.  Drop the ER or IR, COM- or VIV-.  Add –iendo, COMIENDO or VIVIENDO.

4 In Spanish, you use the verb estar (to be) along with the -ando or -iendo form of a verb. AR verbs:-ando ER & IR verbs:-iendo  Now you try it. Conjugate the verb estar first. Make sure you are conjugating for the correct person (I, you, he/she, we, they).  Now, add the –ing verb in the participle form.

5 Present Progressive Tense  Begin by conjugating ESTAR in the present tense. estoy estás está estamos están  Now, add the participle of the main verb.  Be sure to remember any irregular verbs like IR, LEER, TRAER, etc.

6 Try these: We are buying a new house. You are not studying enough! He is eating already.

7 Past Progressive Tense  Begin by conjugating ESTAR in the past tense. estaba estábas estába estabamos estában  Now, add the participle of the main verb.  Be sure to remember any irregular verbs like IR, LEER, TRAER, etc.

8 Try these: I was taking the test. She was taking the test. They were playing soccer.

9 Future Progressive Tense  Begin by conjugating ESTAR in the future. estaré estarás estará estaremos estarán  Now, add the participle of the main verb.  Be sure to remember any irregular verbs like IR, LEER, TRAER, etc.

10 Try these: They will be drinking their sodas. She will be talking to her boyfriend. You will be giving a party next week.

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