Being with the community since 1991 Another progressive step in Launching SAQ youth 28 June 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Being with the community since 1991 Another progressive step in Launching SAQ youth 28 June 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Being with the community since 1991 Another progressive step in Launching SAQ youth 28 June 2015

2 SAQYouth Together we can be a dynamic group to serve our community in Australia & Sri Lanka

3 SAQYouth Who we are We will do our best to create a happier youth force working together. We will be a inspirational modal in our society Our activities are run by youth and for youth

4 SAQYouth Our Mission Our Mission is to empower the SAQYouth to be engaged with all communities and be productive and positively focused and determined to succeed in all facets of life in becoming worthy citizens. Our Vision In line with the constitution and policies of Sinhala Association of Queensland to become a Sri Lankan youth society that will become an epitome of excellence in giving some time to the multicultural community in Australia, irrespective of ethnicity and working with them.

5 SAQYouth Our Management structure President Secretary Treasurer Cultural Secretary Media and Publicity Secretary Four Committee members Our Advisory Committee; SAQ Committee and two other outside nominees

6 SAQYouth Our walk throughs How and where Youth Fellowship activities with no ethnic barriers Educational and knowledge sharing programmes- Youth Conferences Way forward to become good leaders- Seminars Develop aesthetic skills – dancing,music, singing and art Engaging in inter - societies sports such as cricket, netball games. Organise SAQyouth fund raising events Participate in Brisbane City Council youth programmes, Interstate and global.

7 SAQYouth Sri Lanka -A project benefitting the disadvantaged youth in Sri Lanka Australia - Volunteer our time within the Brisbane community Proposed projects

8 SAQYouth Proposed activities -SAQ youth in Sinhala Avurudu festival and Saralanga -Networking and professional development opportunities - SAQ youth interactive sessions - musical events, get- togethers field sports - at least have one event a year- sports, music

9 SAQYouth How to be a SAQYouth member; Visit the SAQ web site; Go to SAQyouth Complete the form If you are under 16 years get your parent to sign your application Annual member ship fee : $5 Exceptions; – Students passed out from SAQ Sinhala School – SAQ Family members

10 SAQ Youth You can be with us On our face book; Association-of-Queensland/ Association-of-Queensland/107879582614544 SAQ website ; Email; SAQ Youth

11 Thank You Together we can be a cohesive community group

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