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Warring States.

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Presentation on theme: "Warring States."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warring States

2 Sparta Helots- slaves used for war & work Government- 2 Kings War
Matters at home

3 Sparta Boys trained to be soldiers
Women had more rights than anywhere else

4 Athens Solon’s Reforms
Constitutional Reform- Democracy- government by the people Opened high office to more citizens Moral reform- Outlawed slavery Economic reform

5 athens Pisitratus (540 BC) - improve economy Clisthenes (501 BC)
founded Council of 500 but had limitations

6 Athens Women – had few rights, performed household duties
d. Education was main focus

7 Similarities between Athens and Sparta
Religion Polytheistic Believed in Greek gods and goddesses

8 Quick Greek Mythology Trivia
King of the gods Ruler of Mount Olympus Lightning bolts ZEUS

9 Quick Greek Mythology Trivia
Queen of marriage, women, childbirth Wife of Zeus Hera

10 Quick Greek Mythology Trivia
Goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite

11 Quick Greek Mythology Trivia
God of the sea, rivers, floods, droughts, earthquakes Brother to Zeus & Hades Holds Trident Poseidon

12 Quick Greek Mythology Trivia
King of the Underworld God of the Dead Brother of Zeus and Poseidon Hades

13 Quick Greek Mythology Trivia
God of music, healing, plague, prophecies, poetry, archery Associated with light, truth, sun Son of Zeus and Hera Apollo

14 Quick Greek Mythology Trivia
Goddess of wisdom, warfare, reason Athena

15 Quick Greek Mythology Trivia
God of war, bloodlust, violence, courage Son of Zeus and Hera Ares

16 Quick Greek Mythology Trivia
Messenger of the gods Guide to the underworld Flying shoes Hermes

17 Trade Expands Exports: wine, marble, olive oil

18 Olympics Contests of sports, music, and literature

19 King Darius 492 BC Persian Wars Persian army invades Greece
Wins many battles Marathon The Athenians, although outnumbered, defeated the Persians at the Battle of Marathon


21 Renewed attacks Thermopylae led by 300 Spartans
Bought time for other city-states to prepare Athenians and Spartans joined forces to defeat the Persians

22 Results Athens dominates Greece
Delian League: alliance between Athens and other Greek city-states, in which they assumed complete control

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