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Story Structure of [Add the Title of Your Book] By: [Add the Author’s Name] [Add your name here]

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Presentation on theme: "Story Structure of [Add the Title of Your Book] By: [Add the Author’s Name] [Add your name here]"— Presentation transcript:

1 Story Structure of [Add the Title of Your Book] By: [Add the Author’s Name] [Add your name here]

2 Instructions: Follow guided questions or instructions on each slide to identify the important story structure elements of your story. You may also choose a theme for your presentation and add pictures and transitions to make it even nicer. Make sure you use excellent grammar and spelling. (Have someone help you check you work to make sure.) There is a rubric at the end of the presentation. Make sure you feel like you would give yourself a good grade before you turn it in to your teacher.

3 Exposition Setting: [Add the time and place your story took place] Characters: [Identify the main character of your story and important supporting characters] Conflict: [What is the problem that the main character faced and had to overcome in the story?]

4 Plot: Rising Action [What are some ways that the story seemed to get harder for the main character?]

5 Plot: Climax [When did it finally seem the story was getting better for the main character? What was the “turn-around” event for the main character?]

6 Plot: Falling Action [What is one thing that happened after the climax that proved that things were getting better for the main character?]

7 Resolution [What was the final solution to the original conflict (problem) in the story? What is the “happily ever after” to the story?]

8 Grading Rubric CriteriaPossible Points You included an underlined Title on the title page./1 You included the author’s name on the Title page./1 The setting tells the time and place the story took place./2 The characters identify the main character and the supporting characters./2 The conflict tells the problem that the main character faced./2 The rising action tells how the story got harder for the main character./2 The climax tells the turning point of the story./2 The rising action tells an event that happened after the climax that showed how things were improving. /2 The resolution tells the solution to the conflict./2 There are no grammar errors./2 There are no spelling errors./2 TOTAL SCORE/20 points *Points are tripled if you chose a chapter book in August for a total of 60 points.

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