Different Types of Forests Ms. Jennifer Butler Introduction  There are two different types of forests.  Today we are going to identify both types and.

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2 Different Types of Forests Ms. Jennifer Butler

3 Introduction  There are two different types of forests.  Today we are going to identify both types and learn what makes them different.

4 Temperate Forest  Located in the United States, Canada, and Mexico.  Found in the Temperate Zone, the region North of the Tropics and South of the Arctic Circle.  Located in areas where temperatures vary greatly.

5 Temperate Forests Cont.  Made up of needle-leaved evergreen trees and broad leaved deciduous trees.  Trees shed their leaves in the Fall and enter a dormant state.  They have a limited number of tree species living in them.  Average rain fall is 50-100 in. per year.

6 Tropical Rain Forest  Located primarily in Africa, Asia, Australia, Central and South America.  Found in the Tropic Zone, between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn, just North or South of the Equator.  Located in areas where temperatures are constant.

7 Tropical Rain Forests Cont. Temperatures & Rainfall:  The temperature is between 68-85 degrees.  Humidity reaches 95% at night and 70% during the day.  Average rainfall is between 80 to 400 in. per year.

8 Tropical Rain Forests Cont. Vegetation:  Primarily made up of tall trees reaching heights between 90 to 150 feet.  Due to poor soil and limited sun light, few plants live/grow on the ground.  Moss and other plants grow on trees.  The canopy is home to over 2/3rds of the Rain Forests plants and animals.

9 Tropical Rain Forests Cont. Facts:  Although they cover only 6% of the Earth’s surface, Tropical Rain Forests contain more than 1/2 of the earth’s species.  Many medicines and food we use came from the Rain Forest.

10 Summary:  Tropical Rain Forests grow in areas that are very warm, have a lot of rain and are close to the Equator.  Temperate Forests grow in areas with varying temperatures, small amounts of rain and are far from the Equator.

11 Rain Forest Unit:  For the next couple of weeks we will be studying the Rain Forest.  We will focus on the different layers, precipitation, animals, plants, medicines, food, cultures, peoples and conservation efforts.

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