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B.Ed. (P) Physical Education Minor 體育副修 Contents of this presentation can be found in the following website 此 簡報內容可於下列網址瀏覽 :

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1 B.Ed. (P) Physical Education Minor 體育副修 Contents of this presentation can be found in the following website 此 簡報內容可於下列網址瀏覽 :

2 For enquiries 查詢 CHOW Wah 周華 2948 7845 D4-2F-14 PESS 體育及運動科學系網址﹕

3 Why choose PE? 選修體育的理由 To realize the education ideal of supporting multiple intelligence development To realize the education ideal of supporting multiple intelligence development 實現多元智能教育理想 To acquire wider perspective and better self development 擴闊視野 提升自我 To enhance market competitiveness 提升市場競爭力

4 Why choose PE? 選修體育的理由 To realize the education ideal of supporting multiple intelligence development 實現多元智能教育理想

5 Physical Education 體育 ???

6 Physical activities – games 身體活動 – 球類活動

7 Physical activities – athletics 身體活動 – 田徑

8 Physical activities – gymnastics 身體活動 – 體操

9 Physical activities – dance 身體活動 – 舞蹈

10 Physical activities – swimming 身體活動 – 游泳

11 Physical activities – dragon boat rowing 身體活動 – 扒龍舟

12 Physical activities – fitness training 身體活動 – 體能訓練

13 Physical activities – equipment transport 身體活動 – 器材搬運

14 Physical Education 體育 通過身體施行教育通過身體施行教育 Education through the physical

15 Why choose PE? 選修體育的理由 To acquire wider perspective and better self development 擴闊視野 提升自我

16 B.Ed. (P) Physical Education Minor 體育副修 Time-tabled modules 正規課程 Time-tabled modules 正規課程 Theories 理論 Theories 理論 Skills 技能 Skills 技能 Teaching 教學 Teaching 教學 Extended Programmes 伸延課程 Extended Programmes 伸延課程

17 Time-tabled modules 正規課程 Theories:   Introduction to Physical Education and Health-Related Fitness (PES1018C) 體育概論 Introduction to Physical Education and Health-Related Fitness (PES1018C   Physical Activities for Junior Primary (PES1034E) 基礎活動原理 Physical Activities for Junior Primary (PES1034E)   Physical Education Curriculum Planning and Teaching Techniques (PES2057C) 體育課程與教學 Physical Education Curriculum Planning and Teaching Techniques (PES2057C)   Physiological Foundations of Physical Education (PES4068E) 運動生理學基礎 Physiological Foundations of Physical Education (PES4068E) Skills:   Physical Activities for Primary I (PES3040C) ( 籃球 / 足球 / 乒乓 / 舞蹈 ) Physical Activities for Primary I (PES3040C)   Physical Activities for Primary II (PES3041C) ( 田徑 / 游泳 / 體操 ) Physical Activities for Primary II (PES3041C) Human Performance Laboratory 人體運動實驗室

18 Extended Programmes 伸延課程 Outdoor Education Camping 戶外教育訓練營 Outdoor Education Camping 戶外教育訓練營 Sports Training 競技運動訓練及比賽 Exchange programmes 交流活動

19 Outdoor Education Camping 戶外教育訓練營





24 Sports Training 競技運動訓練及比賽

25 Dance competition 舞蹈比賽

26 Gymnastics training 體操訓練

27 Swimming gala 水運會

28 Cross- country race 越野賽

29 Training for dragon boat rowing 扒龍舟訓練

30 Exchange programmes 交流活動

31 Football match with Zhenzen University 與深圳大學足球比賽

32 Competing at the National Athletics Meet 全國大學生田徑錦標賽

33 Collaborative performance with the South China Normal University 與華南師大合作演出

34 Why choose PE? 選修體育的理由 To enhance market competitiveness 提升市場競爭力

35 PE students are advantageous in the employment market because … 體育生在人力市場中的優勢 Physical education is one of the eight Key Learning Areas Physical education is one of the eight Key Learning Areas 體育是八大學習領域之一 PE lessons must be taught by professionally trained people 體育教師必須由具資格者出任 PE teachers are able to take up a wide variety of co-curricular activities 體育教師可帶領多類型聯課活動

36 Entrance Requirements Applicants MUST Choose PE as their FIRST Preference Choose PE as their FIRST Preference Pass the subject interview Pass the subject interview Pass the subject practical test OR hold Grade E or above in PE in the HKCEE Pass the subject practical test OR hold Grade E or above in PE in the HKCEE 申請人必須 將體育列為首選 通過體育科面試 通過體育科面試 通過體能測試 中學會考體育科 E 級或以上成績 通過體能測試 或 持有中學會考體育科 E 級或以上成績 入學要求

37 Fitness Test Items (Examples) 體能測試 ( 例子 ) Sit-up (1 minute) 仰臥起坐 (1 分鐘 )Sit-up (1 minute) 仰臥起坐 (1 分鐘 ) Sit and Reach 坐地體前屈測試Sit and Reach 坐地體前屈測試 Chinning (for boys) 引體上升 ( 男 ) / Flex-arm hang (for girls) 屈臂懸垂 ( 女 )Chinning (for boys) 引體上升 ( 男 ) Flex-arm hang (for girls) 屈臂懸垂 ( 女 ) One Mile Run 1 哩跑One Mile Run 1 哩跑

38 Welcome to joining the PE Profession 歡迎加入體育教學專業

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