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AUDIENCE CENTERED Gain desired response from audience Ask yourself  Whom am I speaking to?  What do I want them to know?  What is the best way to achieve.

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Presentation on theme: "AUDIENCE CENTERED Gain desired response from audience Ask yourself  Whom am I speaking to?  What do I want them to know?  What is the best way to achieve."— Presentation transcript:

1 AUDIENCE CENTERED Gain desired response from audience Ask yourself  Whom am I speaking to?  What do I want them to know?  What is the best way to achieve my goal?

2 Know What Motivates Your Audience Self-Actualization Needs Esteem Needs Belongingness and Love Needs Safety Needs Physiological Needs

3 AUDIENCE ANALYSIS- PSYCHOGRAPHIC [Skinner/Grice] Attitude  Taking a position  Can change over time Beliefs  Not based on tangible evidence Values  Long lasting ideals that guides behavior

4 DEMOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS Age Gender Culture  ethnicity  race Religion Group membership

5 CONTEXTUAL ANALYSIS Size Setting/environment Audience relationship to topic  interest  knowledge of audience  attitude Credibility of the speaker toward topic

6 OBTAINING INFORMATION- AUDIENCE Interviewing Questionnaires  fixed alternative questions  scale questions  open ended questions

7 AUDIENCE ANALYSIS (During the Speech) A. Is the audience paying attention?  Eye contact  posture  connect speech to audience

8 AUDIENCE ANALYSIS (During the Speech) B. Does the audience understand your message?  “strange look on their face”  clarify any perceived misconceptions

9 AUDIENCE ANALYSIS (During the Speech) C. Audience evaluation of message  Does audience agree with you?  Concentrate on message

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