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Know What Motivates Your Audience Self-Actualization Needs Esteem Needs Belongingness and Love Needs Safety Needs Physiological Needs.

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Presentation on theme: "Know What Motivates Your Audience Self-Actualization Needs Esteem Needs Belongingness and Love Needs Safety Needs Physiological Needs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Know What Motivates Your Audience Self-Actualization Needs Esteem Needs Belongingness and Love Needs Safety Needs Physiological Needs

2 AUDIENCE DIVERSITY Positive results  Learn a new perspective  Help to educate others  Promotes dialog Negative results  “forgetting part of your audience”

3 HOW TO PREPARE FOR A DIVERSE AUDIENCE Choose a topic that “fits” your audience the best Establish credibility Make support material interesting to your audience Make language “fit” your audience Try to connect with everyone in audience

4 DEMOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS Size of the group Knowledge of the topic How to reach the audience Audience expectations of speaker

5 DEMOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS (cont.) Type of information  age  Gender  Religious affiliation  Income Obtaining information  Personal observation  questionnaire

6 AUDIENCE ANALYSIS- PSYCHOGRAPHIC Standpoint  Where you are at today Attitude  feelings Beliefs  Not based on tangible evidence Values  Standards that guide behavior

7 QUESTIONNAIRE Closed ended question(s) Open ended question(s) Organization  TYPE QUESTIONS  MORE THAN ONE  WEBSITE (textbook)

8 USING DATA Statistics Direct quotes Presentation  Speech Attribution Title of data Be specific  Outline Be concise Include all pertinent information

9 CONTEXTUAL ANALYSIS Location  Size of room  Lights  Technology  Vocal techniques Occasion  Voluntary versus captive Time

10 SPEAKER CREDIBILITY Competence  Presentation  Knowledge of topic Sociability  Connection with audience Trustworthiness  Ethical Dynamism  enthusiastic

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