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¿Cómo hallar recursos para Español 450? por Denis Lacroix Bibliotecario de español y francés

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Presentation on theme: "¿Cómo hallar recursos para Español 450? por Denis Lacroix Bibliotecario de español y francés"— Presentation transcript:

1 ¿Cómo hallar recursos para Español 450? por Denis Lacroix Bibliotecario de español y francés

2 Session Outline  Finding Subject Guides, Reference resources, and Bibliographies  Finding Books by author, subject, title, numbers  Boolean, Truncation, and Advanced Searching  Finding online and print Articles in Periodicals  Databases and ILL  Print Indexes / Book Reviews

3 The Research Question HAPI HLAS MLA ¿Violence in Crónica de una muerte anunciada?

4 Finding Subject Guides  Click on the Subjects tab on the Library home page  Click on Humanities and Social Sciences  Under Languages & Literatures  Click on Romance Languages Or  Under Area Studies  Click on Latin American Studies  In the yellow strip on the right-hand side, you will find QuickStart Guides

5 Finding Reference Resources  Subject Headings  Violence – Latin America  Social conflict – Latin America  Spanish American Literature – Dictionaries  Literature Resource Center e.g. [Advanced Search] [Author] Garcia Marquez, Gabriel Literature Resource Center  Bibliographies  e.g. [Words Anywhere] Garcia Marquez, Gabriel and bibliography [Words Anywhere] Colombia and bibliography

6 Finding Books  By author:  [Browse] or [Keyword] García Marquez, Gabriel  By title  Vivir para contarla  Request or place a hold on a book  About an author as subject  [Browse] or [Keyword] Rulfo, Juan  Rulfo, Juan and criticism  Rulfo, Juan and Pedro Páramo

7 Advanced Searching  Finding books about a topic  Think of variant or similar terms and c lick Advanced Search  Use Boolean operators, e.g. and, or  [Subject] (latin american literature) or (Spanish american literature) or (Garcia Marquez, Gabriel)  [Words Anywhere] violence or power or conflict or poder  Use truncation symbols: $ ?  [Subject] (latin america$) or (Spanish america$)  [Words anywhere] violenc$ or power$ or conflict$ or poder$ or crim$  [Words anywhere] wom?n



10 Electronic and Print Indexes  Use electronic databases or print indexes to find periodical articles.  Use databases to find articles published since 1980 and print indexes for older material.  Databases are all different:  some contain full-text articles  some list only citations and abstracts  others have a mixture of both

11 Electronic Databases  Latin American Resources: HAPI*, HLAS.  General Humanities: MLA, Humanities Abstracts*, Web of Science*, IBZ*.  Sociological Resources: Sociological Abstracts*, PAIS International.  Women’s Studies: Women’s Studies International.  World-wide or Rare Resources (books & articles): Centre for Research Libraries (CRL), OCLC.  Theses: DAI, Index to Theses. * Limitable by Book Review

12 Hispanic American Periodicals Index (HAPI)  Click on Search: (1 concept per field)  [Keyword] trag ; sex ; imperial ; conquest Add [Subject] cronica de una muerte anunciada  [Subject] cronica de una muerte anunciada  Save citations to bibliography and send or print  Search for periodical or book in Library catalogue  Search for Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos, 12:3 (Spring 1988), 397-413.  In Library Catalogue Choose Browse and Periodical Title in “Other Search Options”  Click Full text may be available for online access


14 Handbook of Latin American Studies  Go to Basic Search  [Subject] cronica de una muerte anunciada  [Full Citation] garcia marquez and violen*  Click on “Include word variants”  Click on citation number to see full citation.  Some titles are books (see #2)  Others are journal articles (see #11)  Search for Hisp. J., 10:1, Fall 1988, p. 53-65  Search for “Journals”


16 Databases: MLA International Bibliography  Search for [Subject] ( cronica de una muerte anunciada ) and [Words Anywhere] violen* or imperial* or conquest* or conflict* or trag* or crim*  Combine searches by checking terms and clicking on Combine checked.  Click on Display and Mark records.  Search for periodical or book titles in Library Catalogue, (# 10 & #11).  or click on Check for holdings.


18 Print Indexes  Index to Latin American Periodical Literature What: (1929-1970) Where: Rutherford North Floor 1 Ref. F 1401 I38 folio  The Complete Caribbeana, 1900-1975 : a bibliographic guide to the scholarly literature Where: Rutherford North Floor 1 Ref. F 1608 Z9 C734 1977  Modern Language Association International Bibliography (MLA) What: (1921 to 1962) Where: Rutherford N flr1 Indexes PB 1 M58

19 Print Indexes – the Sequel  Book Review Index Where: Rutherford North Floor 1 Index Tables Z 1035 A1 B73 What: (Since 1965-) Provides author and title indexes, but no excerpts of the reviews.  Combined Retrospective Index to Book Reviews in Humanities Journals, 1802-1974 Where: Rutherford North Floor 1 Index Tables Z 1035 A1 C7 1982  Combined Retrospective Index to Book Reviews in Scholarly Journals, 1886-1974 Where: Ruth. North Floor 1 Index Tables Z 1035 A1 C72 1979

20 Latin American Studies Websites  Latin Americanist Research Resources Project  e.g. "cronica de una muerte anunciada"  Latin America: Subject Resources  Internet Resources for Latin America pathpages/Span.Port/latinamer.htm pathpages/Span.Port/latinamer.htm

21 Inter-Library Loans (ILL)  If the document that you are looking for is not in our Library Catalogue,  fill out an ILL electronic form:  indicate, if possible, where your document is located in the world.  using OCLC WorldCat locate your document in libraries world-wide by clicking on “Libraries Worldwide.”  Check the status of your ILL after 2 weeks: x.cfm x.cfm

22 Reference Services  Ask any question.  Visit us in person (1 st floor Rutherford North)  Try e-mail or chat reference from any computer, anywhere!  Telephone us.

23 ¡Buena suerte en su búsqueda!

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