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Health Psychology Chapter 3: Seeking Health Care.

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1 Health Psychology Chapter 3: Seeking Health Care

2 I. Theories of Healthy Behaviors Health Belief Model Theory of Reasoned Action Theory of Planned Behavior Self-Regulation Theory Precaution Adoption Process Model Transtheoretical Model

3 Health Belief Model Susceptibility to disease _____________ of disease Benefits of behaviors Barriers to behaviors Problems: ignores SES, ethnicity, access to health care, social norms, good intentions

4 Theory of Reasoned Action Attitude toward behavior Subjective norm –DFN: perception of social pressure Motivation to comply ___________________ Prob: ignores ethnicity, SES, access to health care

5 Theory of Planned Behavior Theory of Reasoned Action + Perceived ______________

6 Self-Regulation Theory (Bandura’s social cognitive theory) Behavior Environmentall interact Personal Factors –e.g., cognition DFN: reciprocal determinism = interaction of factors, all have effects on ______________________

7 Precaution Adoption Process Model (Weinstein’s) 7 stages: –________________ –aware but believe not at risk (optimistic bias) –accept personal risk & idea of precaution –action –(believe action is unnecessary) –made changes –maintain changes

8 Transtheoretical Model (Prochaska’s) 5 stages of behavior change: –precontemplation –contemplation –preparation –action –___________________

9 II. Seeking Medical Attention DFN: Illness behavior = ______________, determining health status DFN: Sick role behavior = ____________, trying to get well

10 A. Illness Behavior Personal reluctance –don’t want to see a doctor Social & demographic factors –Less likely to see dr: men, poor, young, *Tuskegee ______________________ –visible, severe, interfering, persistent Personal view of illness

11 Views of Illness Develop as we mature: –“magic” –contagion –personal _______________________ –interaction of bio, psych, & social

12 Conceptualizing Illness (Leventhal) 4 components: –identify/label –time course (of disease & tx) –consequences –cause People feel less anxious & helpless when they _________________

13 B. Sick Role Conceptualizations Parson’s- Typical __________________: –can’t be blamed for being sick –relieved of normal responsibilities –will try to get well Segall’s (alternative ideas) –right to make health decisions –right to be relieved of normal responsibilities –duty to use variety of health care resources

14 C. Choosing a Practitioner What’s important? –___________________



17 III. Being in the Hospital A.The Hospitalized Patient Role Nonperson Tx = ______________

18 Lack of info –Leventhal’s 4 Loss of control –__________________ = every aspect of person’s life is managed (e.g., eating, sleeping, schedule)

19 “Good” vs. “Bad” Patient Good: –quiet –submissive –obedient Pros: maybe better care, well liked, expect.s Cons: helplessness, uninvolved, pt & staff may miss info

20 Bad: –demanding –insist on info –aware of rights Pros: may be a psych. healthy response, better informed Cons: rebellious self-sabotage, staff angry & ignoring

21 Stressful Medical Procedures- Coping Information Relaxation Training _______________

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