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Directed by Alex Hermes. No, not this. More like this…

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1 Directed by Alex Hermes

2 No, not this.

3 More like this…

4 What are Robocalls? Robocalls are self explanatory. A robocall is an automated phone call, this means that a system dials your number and plays a prerecorded message to you. This is generally used to spread a simple message to a wide audience at low cost. You are likely to experience a few this election year…

5 “ So what makes them so bad?” you might ask. Robocalls do not think, or feel, but most of all they do not listen. Robocalls may return to your home multiple times, and getting them to go away can be difficult. It’s also hard to respect a cheap, impersonal message that has been sent to you, and everybody else in the country.

6 Anybody could be on the other end of the line… Robocalls usually have the same voice, or it is indistinguishable from another robocall. This means one robocall sounds just as credible as the next, and because they are cheaper than hiring an actual person to make the calls, almost anybody can send out a robocall. As with any scam, you have to listen carefully, and if you suspect it to be a scam, just hang up. The robocalls might not stop, but since the wording doesn’t change, you will probably recognize the message after hearing it a few times.

7 Why would anybody fall for a robocall scam? Because robocalls are often used correctly by large organizations, they are sometimes associated with real businesses, this is furthered by the use of automated answering machines and other systems used by such corporations. Robocalls might be cheap, but they carry a sense of command and authority that a real person might not.

8 Say No to Robocalls Most of those big businesses who run robocalls also have websites. So there isn’t any need to listen to a robocall. Just hang up the phone. because...

9 more often than not, the cake is a lie

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