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Teen Living Review Responsible Caregiving

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1 Teen Living Review Responsible Caregiving

2 Responsible Caregivers
A caregiver that arrives on time and takes good care of children is considered responsible The most important characteristics of caregivers is patience and good health Caregivers should straighten up the house after the children are put to bed Infants should be put on their back to sleep

3 Positive Guidance Techniques
Child abuse is emotional, physical, or sexual mistreatment Unconditional love = loving a child no matter what they say or do

4 Positive Guidance Techniques, cont’d…
Setting a good example is the most effective strategy to teach children behavior guidelines Setting limits for children helps them know what they can and cannot do Consistency = doing the same thing every time a child breaks a rule Praise for responsible actions helps children continue appropriate behavior Model what you want a child to do (i.e. pick up some toys and show where to put them to teach how to pick up)

5 Safety & First-Aid Procedures
Childproofing – accident prevention (i.e. plastic caps on electrical outlets) Dressing children – avoid drawstrings Burns – run cold water over a minor burn Severe cuts – apply direct pressure above the cut Poisoning – call Poison Control Center Drowning – begin CPR, then 911 If a child runs towards the street, begin yelling their name and telling them to “STOP”

6 Career Opportunities in Early Childhood Education
Qualities needed to work with children – creativity, patience, and caring As high school students you can tutor elementary students to decide if you want a career working with children Nanny = a person that is employed by a family and lives with them to care for their children Entrepreneur – self-employed person that runs their own business (i.e. Clown Parties for kids)

7 Careers Working with Children that Require College Education
Pediatric Nurse - requires a bachelor’s degree in College Pediatrician = doctor that is trained to work with children Dietician – a person that is educated in foods and nutrition

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