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Lufthansa Case pp 23 Questions: What type of Information System is described? (TSP, PCS, ECS, MIS, DSS, EIS?) What are the components: People, Hardware,

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Presentation on theme: "Lufthansa Case pp 23 Questions: What type of Information System is described? (TSP, PCS, ECS, MIS, DSS, EIS?) What are the components: People, Hardware,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lufthansa Case pp 23 Questions: What type of Information System is described? (TSP, PCS, ECS, MIS, DSS, EIS?) What are the components: People, Hardware, Software, Networks, Data?

2 Data vs. Information Data raw facts no context just numbers and text Information data with context processed data value-added to data summarized organized analyzed

3 Data vs. Information Data: 51006 Information: 5/10/06 The date of your final exam. $51,006 The average starting salary of an accounting major. 51006 Zip code of Battle Creek Indiana.

4 Data vs. Information Data 6.34 6.45 6.39 6.62 6.57 6.64 6.71 6.82 7.12 7.06 Information

5 Data  Information  Knowledge Data Information Summarizing the data Averaging the data Selecting part of the data Graphing the data Adding context Adding value

6 Data  Information  Knowledge Information Knowledge How is the info tied to outcomes? Are there any patterns in the info? What info is relevant to the problem? How does this info effect the system? What is the best way to use the info? How can we add more value to the info?

7 Luftansa Case Q: Are Lufthansa’s challenges similar to those being experienced by other businesses? Provide a mobile workforce Distribute training activities during non- productive periods Redefine processes to take advantage of new mobile technologies

8 Luftansa Case Q: Lufthansa was taking a risk with their decision to deploy notebook computers to their pilots. What steps did they take to manage that risk? Ensured that technical specs for the equipment were acceptable to both pilots and the union. Increase user buy-in by providing alternatives to cumbersome tasks (such as carrying manuals and technical documents around) Standardization to reduce support and upgrade costs Structured the process in phases; obtain feedback before mass implementation

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