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No 2 25 th September 2009 Dear Parents/ Carers As promised here is a list of some important dates for this term. We will of course send out further information.

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Presentation on theme: "No 2 25 th September 2009 Dear Parents/ Carers As promised here is a list of some important dates for this term. We will of course send out further information."— Presentation transcript:

1 No 2 25 th September 2009 Dear Parents/ Carers As promised here is a list of some important dates for this term. We will of course send out further information and updates as needed. Your child’s teacher will confirm their class assembly date nearer the time. We have included this term assemblies in the list and hopefully these will not change. DateEvent Friday 25th SeptemberEuropean Day of Languages in School October Wednesday 7th at 9.10amA Celebration in song of Harvest Wednesday 14th - 10.30 amShare Group Launch-Year 1 parents/carers Thursday 15thSchool Photographer Wednesday 21st 3.30-8.30pmParents Consultation Friday 23rd Teacher Day Saturday 24th October –Sunday1st NovemberHalf Term November Thursday 12th at 3.45pmDol Y’ Moch meeting for Parents/Carers Wednesday 18th at 5pm Fun for Fathers Sunday 29th November- Thursday 3rd DecYear 6 at Dol Y ‘Moch December Thursday 10th at 2pm and 6pmCarol Concert Wednesday 16th at 10amChurch Service Friday 18th in the afternoonPantomime and Eats! Break up for Christmas Friday 18th – usual time Parents Consultation The date for this is Wednesday 21st October from 3.45 until 8pm. Parents will be able to come into school from 3.30pm to look at the children’s work. However appointments will not start until 3.45pm unless you have made individual arrangements with class teachers. Refreshments will be available on this evening. You are of course able to talk to teachers and teaching assistants about specific issues that arise as and when needed. New children and Families Our Reception children have been in full time this week and we are all very pleased that they have settled so well. Miss Bates and Mrs. Procter have done a great job so far and I hope that both parents and children feel part of our school. Miss Bates is sending out a survey about the induction process and we hope that you will share your thoughts and ideas with us so that we can strive to keep improving our induction. We are still admitting new children throughout the school so a warm welcome is also extended to them

2 Happy Birthday to all our children who celebrate their birthday during October Year R – Amiee, Kirsty Year 1- Jacob, Toryn Year 2 – Jay, Tamara Year 3/B – Philip Mc, Grace T Year 5/6E – Hannah, Ashley Year 5/6W – Sunveer, Robbie, Leon Yours sincerely Mrs N A Starritt Head Teacher Primary Admissions and Year 6 Transfer Forms Just a reminder that these should be returned as soon as possible to school so that we can return them to the Local Authority. You can also apply online at The closing date for Secondary places Is 31 st October 2009 and for Primary places 15 th January Are you a Robbie Williams Fan? If so there is a great night out for you on Saturday 10th October at the Wyken Working Mens Club, Narbeth Way. This is a tribute act and Lee Pashley has had great reviews from people like Gloria Hunniford from Radio 2 and The evening begins at 8pm until late! Tickets are £10 and all the proceeds are for the MS Society for which one of our parents does voluntary work. Tickets are available from Zoe on 02476 452425 or online at www.BADMOONEVENTS.WEBS.COMwww.BADMOONEVENTS.WEBS.COM Painting Overalls A quick reminder about painting overalls! Sometimes the children in all the classes are engaged in messy activities including painting. Could you send in an old shirt or apron please to cover your child’s uniform as it can be annoying if a clean uniform ends up covered in clay or paint! We do buy only washable paints but some parents have said it can be difficult to remove. Thank you. Reminder If you want to change from school meals to sandwiches and vice versa please let Mrs Weaver know a week in advance. As the weather gets colder lots of children prefer a hot meal. If you would like details please see Mrs. Weaver. Storystacks Mrs Holland still has two places left for this Monday afternoon group. Please contact her if you would like to join. School Clubs All places now allocated for Autumn Term, any child who returned the form but did not get place this term will be given priority in Spring Term, ie January.

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