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Reproductive Physiology 1)Menstrual Cycle 2)Pregnancy 3)Lactation.

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Presentation on theme: "Reproductive Physiology 1)Menstrual Cycle 2)Pregnancy 3)Lactation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reproductive Physiology 1)Menstrual Cycle 2)Pregnancy 3)Lactation

2 Menstrual Cycle: Generalizations and terms Two main phase: follicular & luteal Pituitary Gland secretes Luteinizing Hormone (LH) Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Ovary produces follicle containing an egg Follicle then Corpus Luteum secretes Estrogen, Progesterone, Inhibin Uterus prepares for egg fertilization & growth Spike in Progesterone leads to Body Temp spike

3 Menstrual Cycle: Step-by-step FOLLICULAR PHASE 1) Period: old uterine lining sloughed FSH is high > a follicle matures 2) Estrogen gradually increases inhibiting FSH ***ensures only one follicle*** LUTEAL PHASE 3) Estrogen levels peak causing spike in FSH & LH ***ovulation: egg leaves follicle*** Uterine wall thickens **Fertilization can now occur in a ~ 12 hour window** 4) Follicle converted to Corpus Luteum ** Secretes Progesterone & Inhibin ** Prepares Uterus for implantation ***If Fertilization DID NOT OCCUR within 12 hours after 3) then….5 5) Corpus Luteum and Egg dies, Uterine Wall sloughed Estrogen, Progesterone, Inhibin levels drop > FSH increase..back to 1) 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5

4 Pregnancy…..stopping the menstrual cycle! Estradiol ~ Estrogen Corpus Luteum and later Placenta secrete Estrogen & Progesterone This prevents the breakdown of the uterine wall….thus preventing menstruation Estrogen & Progesterone Levels stay elevated due to Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) Pregnancy tests = hCG tests!

5 Parturition: Labor Mechanism that initiates labor is not well understood: 1)Progestrone & Estrogen drop after labor begins 1)Oxytocin initiates Uterine contractions… but inducing labor with artificial oxytocin doesn’t always work 3)Fetus may secrete a hormone…(CRH, corticotropin releasing hormone, controls adrenal gland) Labor IS well understood: Once labor begins uterus undergoes powerful contractions + Tissue in birth canal softens due to the peptide, RELAXIN = Which eject the baby from uterus and cause delivery

6 Lactation Mammary Gland Myoepitheleal cells Milk secreting cells Smooth Muscle cells Milk Ducts

7 Control of Lactation Suckling Mechanoreceptors Higher Brain Hypothalamus Ant. Pituitary Post. Pituitary PIH Prolactin Oxytocin HAPPY BABY! Milk Secretion Smooth Muscle Contration Oxytocin: Myoepithelial & Duct Muscle Contraction Crying baby PIH = prolactin inhibiting hormone Prolactin: Milk secretion in mammary gland

8 Hope you enjoyed Human Physiology Confocal image of retinal layers

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