Remote Activation of Appliances Using USB Interfaces Vanessa Cox Chris Hydak Kaori Wada.

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Presentation on theme: "Remote Activation of Appliances Using USB Interfaces Vanessa Cox Chris Hydak Kaori Wada."— Presentation transcript:

1 Remote Activation of Appliances Using USB Interfaces Vanessa Cox Chris Hydak Kaori Wada

2 Our Project

3 Key parts 4 USB Converter –Xilinx to connect Parallel Port to USB Controller 4 Connection from NEC to Computer –Original: RF Transceivers –Final: Serial cable 4 Remote control of Quickcam from NEC

4 Block Diagram

5 USB Converter 4 USBN9602 –Functionality Integrated USB Node Controller with USB transceiver. Programmable Interrupt Output Scheme to allow device configuration. Supports 6 unidirectional endpoints 8 bit parallel interface

6 USB Converter Problems –Problems Does not respond to “standard” request. –These request are used for configuring the device. –It receives the interface Interrupt is never received –Cause USBN9602 is not setup correctly The interrupt is broken Bad packets received by the USBN9602

7 No Configuration

8 Connection from NEC to Computer 4 Originally USB RF Transceivers –Couldn’t find any available 4 Next, Serial RF Transceivers –Not enough time to implement 4 Serial Cable to Computer –Close to completion

9 Remote control of Quickcam from NEC 4 Two problems preventing this –We have no usable quickcam to implement Cannot use Quickcam VF –Proprietary Compression Alogorithm –Proprietary Control signals No usable Quickcam B/W –USB controller not functioning correctly

10 Software Problems 4 Porting; WinCE is non-standard 4 flaky NEC Connection 4 Time 4 Verilog compiler was sub-par

11 Our Approach 4 Research USB specifications –Basics of what is involved in our project –Possibilities of how to implement –Research previous USB projects 4 Understand hardware involved –What hardware is needed and how do we connect 4 Test the hardware 4 Save software until hardware is finished

12 Steps in Progress 4 Project fully defined 4 USB Controller component bought 4 Integration of hardware on board 4 Xilinx testing 4 PC to device testing 4 NEC to PC via serial testing

13 Progress 1: Xilinx code 4 By mid-semester Xilinx code is reading and writing to the USBN9602 registers and to the 32K RAM. 4 Timing issues were a major issue in writing Xilinx code

14 Progress 2: Sample GUI 4 By mid-semester the GUI for the PC had been created 4 Porting the GUI to WinCe would prove to be a much harder task than first anticipated

15 Progress 3: PC Recognizes USB Device is on the Port Our device

16 Conclusions: What we learned 4 USB protocol and specs 4 Serial device drivers 4 Verilog 4 Visual C++ 4 Hardware 4 Check load on circuit before connecting 4 Most tasks take 3 times as long as expected!

17 What we need in order to finish 4 3 weeks 4 Explanation of USBN9602 4 Larger Xilinx 4 B/W Quickcam (that works)

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