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Choosing the Correct Word By:Karena Fujii and Douglas Saavedra.

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2 Choosing the Correct Word By:Karena Fujii and Douglas Saavedra

3 What it is all about There are many answers for this question Homophones are commonly asked questions There are many different ways to figure out the answer

4 Tips Study homophones and meanings. Don’t practice on the same thing all the time. Use your language ear to decide the answer. You can also say each choice out loud with the sentence to see if it sounds correct.

5 How will this help? Doing these questions will help you learn different types of sentences. This problem will also show you how to choose from different homophones. Teaches you what to expect when reading and writing.

6 What Are Homophones? Homophones are two or three words that sound the same but have different meanings and spelling. For example there/their/and they’re are common homophones.

7 Resources For more examples, please look at page 24~27 in your “ Writing with Style” There are no references in “ Language Network”.

8 Now let’s do some problems 1.Steve Young, as the quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers, sustained (A lot/alot) of concussions. 2.Madonna receives thousands of letters and e-mails telling her, “(Your/You’re) my favorite performer.” 3.Most sixteen-year-olds are (already/ all ready) driving.

9 ANSWERS! 1. A lot 2. You’re 3. Already Did you get them all correct?


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