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There, They’re, Their These three homophones sound the same but have different spellings and meanings!

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Presentation on theme: "There, They’re, Their These three homophones sound the same but have different spellings and meanings!"— Presentation transcript:

1 There, They’re, Their These three homophones sound the same but have different spellings and meanings!

2 This word indicates a place.
There This word indicates a place. EXAMPLE: Look over there! EXAMPLE: Ms. Blankeship, the PE teacher, told us to run from here to there. EXAMPLE: Please write your name on the line right there.

3 This word also indicates the existence of something.
There This word also indicates the existence of something. EXAMPLE:There is time left in the game. EXAMPLE: There are six puppies. EXAMPLE: There is a girl named Jasmine in my class.

4 There The kitten loves to sleep there.
There is nothing cuter than a baby animal. Image:

5 This word is a contraction that means “they are”.
They’re This word is a contraction that means “they are”. EXAMPLE: They’re best friends. EXAMPLE: They’re going to the beach. EXAMPLE: They’re going to get an A.

6 They’re They’re going to be scientists when they grow up.

7 Their This word indicates ownership.
EXAMPLE: Their teacher is Mr. Siraj. EXAMPLE: Their dog is a Chihuahua. EXAMPLE: Their favorite sport is soccer.

8 Their Their country is the United States. Image:

9 Let’s play a game! Determine whether sentences should use “there”, “they’re”, or “their.”

10 Be sure to spell the words correctly!
Game Step 1 You and your partner will receive three index cards. On the first card, write “there.” On the second card, write “they’re” On the third card, write “their.” Be sure to spell the words correctly!

11 Game Step 2 The class will be shown a sentence. You and your partner must determine which word correctly fits in the blank space. You and your partner will have thirty seconds to decide. When your teacher gives the signal, hold up the correct card.

12 Game Step 3 You and your partner will receive one point if you gave the correct answer. Be ready to explain why you chose that answer. If you and your partner are selected, you can receive an extra point for a correct explanation.

13 Let’s play!

14 ____________ fourth grade students.

15 The wicked witch lives ____________.

16 _____________ are many trees in this enchanted forest.

17 __________ mother told them to do __________ chores.

18 __________ just a few weeks old.

19 __________ teacher is very smart.

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