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Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network for Southern Africa (FANRPAN) Contact details: P. O Box 2765 Causeway Harare ZIMBABWE Telephone 263 4 792348/50 Fax 263 4 792409 Email:
FANRPAN Mission To coordinate, influence and facilitate policy research, analysis and dialogue at the national, regional and global levels in order to develop the food, agriculture and natural resources sector through networking, capacity building and generation of information for the benefit of all stakeholders in the SADC region
Why FANRPAN? In 1994, the SADC Ministers of Agriculture adopted a recommendation from policy advisors that the empowerment of smallholder farmers through training and creation of producer associations, greater involvement of private sector actors and other stakeholders as well as the creation of policy analysis networks were key prime movers for achieving agricultural growth and eradicating food insecurity.
Composition of FANRPAN An autonomous regional stakeholder driven policy research, analysis, implementation and advocacy network established in May 2001. Designed to ensure that policy makers have continual access to well researched and analysed policy advice both at the national and regional level. A lean regional secretariat supported by a sector wide board of governors. (two permanent secretaries as government representative, two farmer representatives, two private sector members, and two members from policy institutions, all drawn from the participating countries) Maintains close link with SADC, donors and other institutional research collaborators working in the region. Network operates nodes in 11 of the 14 SADC countries.
Member Countries Botswana Lesotho Malawi Mauritius Mozambique Namibia South Africa Swaziland Tanzania Zambia Zimbabwe
FANRPAN Network Structure Chief Executive Officer FANRPAN BOARD OF GOVERNORS Secreta riat Cou ntry Leve l Net wor ks Country Nodes - Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Mauritius, Botswana, Namibia, Angola, Swaziland, Lesotho, Node Coordinator Farmer Representative Private Sector Representative Government Policy Maker Coordinator – Communications and Policy Advocay Coordinator – Policy Research Technical Advisory Committees Li ve lih oo ds Pr oj ec t HI V an d A D S Pr oj ec t Co ntr act Far mi ng Pro jec t ADMIN UNIT
Objectives of FANRPAN Promote appropriate agricultural policies in order to reduce poverty, increase food security and enhance sustainable agricultural development in the SADC region; Improve policy analysis, research and formulating of priority SADC themes; Develop human and institutional capacity for coordinated dialogue among all stakeholders; Establish contacts with similar networks and other research collaborators Collect, store and exchange information and liase with target groups in order to facilitate broad participation of stakeholders (public, private, NGO, civil society) in policy issues
Thematic Policy Research Divided into four major themes: Productivity growth and Technology Development for Crops and Livestock e.g study on GMO, seed fertiliser and soil fertility Commercialisation,trade& market competitiveness e.g studies on strategic grain reserves, contract farming Institutional reform and capacity building e.g. study on farming organisations, HIV/AIDS Land, water and natural resource management
Research Study Process Identification & prioritising of the research topic Drafting the necessary TOR’s and circulating them to nodes and research partners for comments Setting out timeline and research teams through nominations from nodes, secondments from partners or competitive bidding Setting up a steering committee to guide the research team and drawing contracts Inception workshops if necessary or workshops to present results Publication and circulation of synthesis papers, policy briefs, and proceedings to relevant stakeholders Periodic review and monitoring of policy recommendations
FANRPAN Core Research Program Process COUNTRY ISSUES Debated at country Level REGIONAL SYNTHESES Cross-cutting Issues COMMISSION DRAFTING OF TORs and SETTING UP RESEARCH TEAMS for identified burning policy research study issues DISSEMINATION OF RESEARCH RESULTS At the Country Level SADC FORUM
Current Studies/Programmes Studies HIV/AIDS -Sadc HSDU-EU CTA Annual Contract A Agric- Biotech- US Grains Council Policy F- B-O Livelihood s-USAID- RCSA Contract Farming – French Govt. NMTIP- CAADP- FAO B ot s Les o Ma la Mau r Mo za Na m RS A S wa z Ta nz Za m Zi m
20032004200520062007 Studies CONTRACT FARMING HIV/AIDS CTA POLICY F-B-O AGRIC-BIOTECH LIVELIHOODS NMTIP-CAADP 20032004200520062007 Project Time Frame
Effective Networking FANRPAN is unique because of its vertical and horizontal connectivity with stakeholders The Network operates nodes in 11 of the 14 SADC countries At country level the nodes operate as a network of stakeholders Through their steering committees, the nodes spearhead policy analysis in their respective countries
Effective Networking Cont’d FANRPAN links to SADC through the FANR directorate which is an ex officio member of the Board of Governors. The CEO of FANRPAN attends the SADC Council of Ministers meetings where the network feeds back issues and research results. Conferences and workshops are used not only for disseminating research results but also as tools to train policy analysts in making policy presentations and debates
Stakeholder Consultations Country nodes implement in country stakeholder consultation meetings to define agenda Stakeholders are involved throughout the policy process Stakeholders are drawn from Ministries of Agriculture, NGO’s farmer organisations, agricultural institutions, relevant parastals,private sector, research institutions and extension The FANRPAN stakeholder directory is intended to bring together network members
Challenges Limited financial resources for the network for operations and research Resulting in a weak network organisational structure Policy analysis research capacity in the region is weak
New vision for sustainability To continue to facilitate regional policy dialogues To continue strengthening capacity of nodes to effectively communicate with all stakeholders To introduce national stakeholder policy dialogues on topical FANR policy issues To coordinate community driven information systems that will link rural communities to national policy processes through the nodes. Strengthen the national level policy research nodes that form the backbone of the network Implement relevant regional studies within two of the four defined themes Monitor and evaluate the implementation of recommended policies
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