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Chapter 4 Interpersonal Communication.

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1 Chapter 4 Interpersonal Communication

2 The Communication Process
Noise ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENT Sender Receiver Channel Message Noise Feedback

3 Relationship Building
Communication is a vehicle for building relationships Sorenson, DeBord, and Ramirez say we establish relationships along two primary dimensions Dominate-subordinate (control) Cold-warm

4 Communication Dimensions of Establishing a Relationship
Dominant Personal Impersonal Warm Cold Supportive Accepting Subordinate

5 Nonverbal Communication
The transmission of messages through means other than words Nonverbal messages sometimes Accompany verbal messages Stand alone

6 How We Communicate a Message

7 Modes of Transmission Environment – setting; furniture
Interpersonal Distance

8 Modes of Transmission Posture Hand Gestures
Facial Expressions and Eye Contact Voice Quality Personal Appearance Attention Paid to the Other Person

9 Improve Nonverbal Communication
Get some feedback on your body language Learn to relax when communicating Use gestures, but don’t overdo it Avoid using the same gesture indiscriminately Practice role-playing Use mirroring to establish rapport

10 Mirroring Subtly imitating someone Imitate breathing pattern
Adopt voice speed Imitate gestures Adopt style of dress

11 Communication Barriers
Barriers occur when message is Complex Emotionally arousing Conflicting with receiver’s mental set

12 Overcoming Communication Problems
Understand the receiver Develop empathy Recognize what motivates the receiver Understand the other persons frame of reference

13 Overcoming Communication Problems
Minimize defensive communication Blaming Denial

14 Overcoming Communication Problems
Use multiple channels In-person Phone call Letter

15 Overcoming Communication Problems
Get and give both verbal and nonverbal feedback Ask for feedback so a dialogue takes place; it builds trust Give feedback to provide reinforcement to the sender

16 Overcoming Communication Problems
Display a positive attitude You will appear more credible and trustworthy

17 Overcoming Communication Problems
Use persuasive communication Ten suggestions in your book on pages

18 Overcoming Communication Problems
Listen actively Empathize Summarize Use supportive body language See figure 4-5 on page 78.

19 Listening Traps Do Self-Assessment Quiz 4-2 on p. 79

20 Prepare for Stressful Conversations
Rehearse how you will share bad news Practice temperate phrasing (tact) Be clear about what you mean Example: We can’t use your product because it lacks three features that we need.

21 Overcoming Communication Problems
Metacommunicate! Communicate about your communication

22 Overcoming Communication Problems
Recognize gender differences in communication style

23 Gender Differences Women use conversation to build rapport
Men prefer to talk to preserve independence by showing knowledge and skill Women want empathy, not solutions Men prefer to work out problems alone, while women like to talk out solutions with another person Women are more likely to compliment a coworker Men are more likely to criticize a coworker

24 Gender Differences Men tend to be more directive and women more polite
Women tend to give in to maintain a relationship Men are more interested than women in calling attention to their accomplishments Men tend to dominate discussions during meetings

25 A Challenge for You Be more aware of how you communicate at work
Watch others and see if you can discern some patterns Men-try being more empathetic Women-try being more direct

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