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Presented to: 3rd Natl Sfc Transportation Wx Symp By: Ken Leonard, Director, Aviation Weather Office Date: July 25, 2007 Federal Aviation Administration.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented to: 3rd Natl Sfc Transportation Wx Symp By: Ken Leonard, Director, Aviation Weather Office Date: July 25, 2007 Federal Aviation Administration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented to: 3rd Natl Sfc Transportation Wx Symp By: Ken Leonard, Director, Aviation Weather Office Date: July 25, 2007 Federal Aviation Administration Leveraging Related R&D Activities to Benefit Surface Transportation Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) Weather

2 2 Federal Aviation Administration NextGen Weather July 25, 2007 2 NextGen Weather Drivers Today’s US National Airspace System faces demands which exceed its capacity –Weather accounts for 70 percent of delays –Demand is to triple by 2025 Increase airspace demand correlates with increased surface use –Weather will make both increasingly difficult New approaches are necessary to safely accommodate demand –Increased use of automation and network enabled operations –Better use of better weather information

3 3 Federal Aviation Administration NextGen Weather July 25, 2007 3 NextGen Theme – Reduce Weather Impact

4 4 Federal Aviation Administration NextGen Weather July 25, 2007 4 NextGen Network Enabled Weather For system-wide application, all decisions made on a common weather information base: the 4-D virtual weather datacube Improved with emerging observational and forecasting technologies as they emerge from R&D A (virtual) single authoritative source Network enabled for machine-to-machine (M2M) operations –Publish-subscribe (push) –Discovery service (pull) –All information metadata tagged for M2M use Probabilistic as well as deterministic information Integrated into new user applications and decision technologies

5 5 Federal Aviation Administration NextGen Weather July 25, 2007 5 NNEW and the 4D Cube Observation 15 – 60 mins Hazard 1 – 24 hours Virtual 4D Weather Cube Aviation weather information in 3 dimensions ( latitude/longitude/height) 4 th dimension = time 0 – 15 mins

6 6 Federal Aviation Administration NextGen Weather July 25, 2007 6 XML Programmability Connectivity HTML Presentation TCP/IP Technology Innovation FTP, E-mail, Gopher Web Pages Browse the Web Program the Web Web Services Web Services Evolution XML and Web Services - Fundamental construct for Net-Centric applications

7 7 Federal Aviation Administration NextGen Weather July 25, 2007 7 Transportation Wx Convergence Joint Planning and Development agencies are committing to Network Enabled Operations (NEO) –DOD has defined a full weather data model, XML schema/namespace Joint METOC Broker Language is operational Used in air, land and sea operations –In NWS, XML used extensively in web services, but official standard not yet defined Several parallel developments underway, and considering reuse of or additive merger with DoD standards Being driven mostly by aviation, but other communities almost certain to follow –FAA and Joint Planning & Development Office (JPDO) defining standards to be used in NextGen –Coordination through OFCM Committee for Environmental Information Systems and Communications (CEISC) and its Joint Action Group for Extensible Markup Language and Web Services (JAG/XML-WS)

8 8 Federal Aviation Administration NextGen Weather July 25, 2007 8 Summary Aviation weather R&D in the realms of observing and forecasting will also benefit other modes, including via probabilistic information In-situ weather sensing from surface modes and on- board decision assistance could benefit the entire transportation community Surface transportation has an opportunity to adopt NEO and 4-D data cube concepts Integration of weather M2M into decision support tools is the future of aviation weather support, and surface transportation modes could do the same

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