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PARTS OF SPEECH Predicate pronouns, predicate nouns, direct object, indirect objects, predicate adjectives. By natasha and clark!

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Presentation on theme: "PARTS OF SPEECH Predicate pronouns, predicate nouns, direct object, indirect objects, predicate adjectives. By natasha and clark!"— Presentation transcript:

1 PARTS OF SPEECH Predicate pronouns, predicate nouns, direct object, indirect objects, predicate adjectives. By natasha and clark!

2 Predicate Nouns Renames, identifies, or defines the subject after a linking verb. Refer to page in the language networks book Example: He remains the best student in the class. Student in this case is the predicate noun Student is the predicate noun because it follows the linking verb remains and identifies the verbs subject.

3 Predicate Pronoun Follows a linking verb, and identifies the verb’s subject. Page 61 in the language networks book. Example: The buyers you and she….. The words you and she are the predicate pronouns Those words are the predicate nouns because they follow the linking verb and identify the verb’s subject

4 Direct Object Names the receiver of the action after an action verb.
Page 47 in language networks Example: Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence The direct objects is Declaration of Independence The direct object is Declaration of Independence because it names the reciever of he action which in this case is wrote.

5 Predicate Adjective A predicate adjective is an adjective that follows a linking verb and describes the verb’s subject. Page 129 in he Language Network book The airplanes were strange.

6 Indirect Object Tells to whom or what or of whom or of what an action is done. Page 47 and 55 in the Language network book Kyra just handed Jordan a moldy plum. Jordan is the indirect object Jordan is the indirect object because Jordan tells to whom an object Is done.

7 Lets see what you’ve learned
Find the indirect object in this sentence Natasha just handed clark a moldy plum. Is the answer Clark Natasha Moldy plum Or handed

8 The answer The answer would be A, clark!
Now if you have anymore questions please refer to the given pages THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME

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