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1 Action Plan for Change PPM&E Course_2006 Kim Sokleang, United Nations Development Program/ Partnership for Local Governance Project Cambodia Country.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Action Plan for Change PPM&E Course_2006 Kim Sokleang, United Nations Development Program/ Partnership for Local Governance Project Cambodia Country."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Action Plan for Change PPM&E Course_2006 Kim Sokleang, United Nations Development Program/ Partnership for Local Governance Project Cambodia Country Office

2 2 Topic for Change 1.Diagram of Logical Framework and M&E Matrix development 2.Improving critical reflection mechanism at the provincial program level

3 3 Reasons for the Changes (1) 1.Diagram of Logical Framework and M&E Matrix development: Logical framework has been developed, and has been changed for two times in 5 years; It is written in the project document and few people in the program are interested in reading it; It is a detailed logframe, which make people less interested. Just few people know about it.

4 4 Reasons for the Changes (2) 1.Diagram of Logical Framework and M&E Matrix development: We have only annual M&E workplan developed based on AWPB, which make the M&E activity much focus only on activity and output levels; M&E Matrix should be developed based on the program Logframe; and Therefore, we need to have M&E matrix, which could possibly for outcome and impact monitoring and evaluation.

5 5 Reasons for the Changes (3) 2.Improving critical reflection mechanism at the provincial program level Less effective responses to implementation issues or challenges, Less attention and participation in the provincial critical reflection, and Some a-like reflections organized without participation from other stakeholders.

6 6 Details for the Change (1) 1.Diagram of Logical Framework and M&E Matrix development Proposal for change preparation, and presentation to management level for comment Organizing tasks among M&E officers for the development Comments from management level Presentation and dissemination

7 7 Details for the Change (2) 2.Improving critical reflection mechanism in the provincial program: Proposal for change preparation, and presentation to management level for comment (for 5 selected provinces) Workshop preparation and task arrangement among M&E officers Workshop organization with the 5 provinces Follow up in the provinces Synthesis workshop and possible expansion

8 8 Timeframe for the Changes 1.Diagram of Logical Framework and M&E Matrix development: March – May 2006 2.Improving critical reflection mechanism in the provincial program: March – Sep 2006

9 9 Thank You

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