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Author - Andy Morrall Subject-verb agreement Expert System Aim: This expert system program is to show you how to change the.

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Presentation on theme: "Author - Andy Morrall Subject-verb agreement Expert System Aim: This expert system program is to show you how to change the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Author - Andy Morrall E-mail: Subject-verb agreement Expert System Aim: This expert system program is to show you how to change the verb in a sentence when you change the subject noun. Click anywhere to start.

2 Author - Andy Morrall E-mail: Example sentence The example sentence is: Subject noun (e.g. a pronoun such as ‘I’.) Verb: learn Object: English Complement: every day ‘I learn English every day.’

3 Author - Andy Morrall E-mail: Rule 1 1. If the subject noun is ‘he, ‘she’, ‘it’, an uncountable noun or a singular countable noun, add an ‘s’ on the end of regular verbs. Examples: ‘He learns English every day.’ ‘Humanity learns English every day.’ ‘This student learns English every day.’

4 Author - Andy Morrall E-mail: Rule 2 2.If the subject noun is ‘I’, ‘you’, ‘we’, ‘they’, or a plural countable noun, do not add ‘s’. Examples: ‘I learn English every day.’ ‘Students learn English every day.’

5 Author - Andy Morrall E-mail: Rule 3 3.Irregular spellings. Many verbs add ‘s’ differently. Examples: go > goeshave > has be > am / is / arekiss > kisses

6 Author - Andy Morrall E-mail: Expert System Choose a noun to see the example sentence: IHumanity YouStudents HeHe / She / ItThis studentSheItThis student We You They

7 Author - Andy Morrall E-mail: Output - I I learn English every day. Rule 2: If the subject noun is ‘I’, ‘you’, ‘we’, ‘they’, or a plural countable noun, do not add ‘s’. Back

8 Author - Andy Morrall E-mail: Output - You You learn English every day. Rule 2: If the subject noun is ‘I’, ‘you’, ‘we’, ‘they’, or a plural countable noun, do not add ‘s’. Back

9 Author - Andy Morrall E-mail: Output - He He learns English every day. Rule 1: If the subject noun is ‘he, ‘she’, ‘it’, an uncountable noun or a singular countable noun, add an ‘s’ on the end of regular verbs. Back

10 Author - Andy Morrall E-mail: Output - She She learns English every day. Rule 1: If the subject noun is ‘he, ‘she’, ‘it’, an uncountable noun or a singular countable noun, add an ‘s’ on the end of regular verbs. Back

11 Author - Andy Morrall E-mail: Output - It It learns English every day. Rule 1:If the subject noun is ‘he, ‘she’, ‘it’, an uncountable noun or a singular countable noun, add an ‘s’ on the end of regular verbs. Back

12 Author - Andy Morrall E-mail: Output - We We learn English every day. Rule 2: If the subject noun is ‘I’, ‘you’, ‘we’, ‘they’, or a plural countable noun, do not add ‘s’. Back

13 Author - Andy Morrall E-mail: Output - They They learn English every day. Rule 2: If the subject noun is ‘I’, ‘you’, ‘we’, ‘they’, or a plural countable noun, do not add ‘s’. Back

14 Author - Andy Morrall E-mail: Output - Humanity Humanity learns English every day. Rule 1: If the subject noun is ‘he, ‘she’, ‘it’, an uncountable noun or a singular countable noun, add an ‘s’ on the end of regular verbs. Back

15 Author - Andy Morrall E-mail: Output - Students Students learn English every day. Rule 2: If the subject noun is ‘I’, ‘you’, ‘we’, ‘they’, or a plural countable noun, do not add ‘s’. Back

16 Author - Andy Morrall E-mail: Output - This student This student learns English every day. Rule 1: If the subject noun is ‘he, ‘she’, ‘it’, an uncountable noun or a singular countable noun, add an ‘s’ on the end of regular verbs. Back

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