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BOLOGNA PROCESS and the COUNCIL OF EUROPE CONTRIBUTION RUDN, Moscow, 12 December 2007 12 December 2007 Katia Dolgova-Dreyer, Council of Europe.

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Presentation on theme: "BOLOGNA PROCESS and the COUNCIL OF EUROPE CONTRIBUTION RUDN, Moscow, 12 December 2007 12 December 2007 Katia Dolgova-Dreyer, Council of Europe."— Presentation transcript:

1 BOLOGNA PROCESS and the COUNCIL OF EUROPE CONTRIBUTION RUDN, Moscow, 12 December 2007 12 December 2007 Katia Dolgova-Dreyer, Council of Europe

2 Structure of the presentation  Main developments in the Bologna process and the current state-of-play;  Council of Europe contribution to the Bologna  Other Council of Europe initiatives in higher education

3 EUROPEAN HIGHER EDUCATION AREA  Process toward 2010 (Bologna Process)  Easy to move from one country to another for further study and employment (within EHEA)  Increased attractiveness of European HE for other regions  Broad, high quality and advanced knowledge base  Same target date for all members regardless of when they joined the Process

4 EUROPEAN HIGHER EDUCATION AREA  Bologna Process is not based on intergovernmental treaty  Follow up structure: Ministerial meetings and Bologna Follow Up Group  It is not foreseen that by 2010 all European countries should have the same HE systems (balance between diversity and unity)  Policies defined internationally but implemented at national level and within higher education institutions

5 MAIN POINTS BOLOGNA (1999)  Adoption of a system of easily readable and comparable diplomas  Two main cycles: undergraduate and graduate  Establish a system of credits (ECTS)  Promote mobility to overcome obstacles to the free movement of students, teachers, researchers and academic staff  Promote European co-operation in quality assurance  Promote European dimensions in higher education

6 MAIN POINTS PRAHA (2001)  Broadening of focus from being competitive to also include social dimension and the role of HE in building democracy  HE as a public good and public responsibility  Student participation

7 MAIN POINTS BERLIN (2003)  New countries beyond EU framework  Change access criteria (European Cultural Convention)  Ministers accept the principle of stock taking  Research (3rd cycle)  Qualifications framework  Quality assurance more firmly on the agenda

8 MAIN POINTS BERGEN (2005)  Truly pan-European process with 45 countries  Overarching qualifications framework  Guidelines for quality assurance  Emphasis on implementation

9 MAIN POINTS LONDON (2007)  Strategy for the global dimension of the Bologna Process  Mobility (set up a network of national experts to share information and identify main obstacles  Employability (co-operation with the employers)  EHEA beyond 2010

10 SOME CHALLENGES AHEAD  The EHEA after 2010: what do we want it to be like?  Move beyond structures  Higher education in a broader context EHEA and the rest of the world EHEA and the rest of the world Public responsibility for higher education Public responsibility for higher education Roles and functions of HE in modern society Roles and functions of HE in modern society Equal opportunity Equal opportunity  Mobility  Keep up momentum after the first decade

11 Council of Europe input  Recognition issues (Lisbon Recognition Convention)  Assistance to newer Bologna countries  Sharing of experiences in national qualifications frameworks (new mandate)  Raising other issues: democratic culture, intercultural dialogue;  Role of education in a modern global society

12 MAIN PURPOSES OF HIGHER EDUCATION  Preparation for the labor market  Preparation for life as active citizens in democratic societies  Personal development  Development and maintenance of a broad, advanced knowledge base

13 ‘ University between Humanism and Market’  Holistic view on the roles and functions of higher education in a modern global society  What are the challenges facing universities in the 21 st century?  How to respond to these challenges?  Organisation of the education in response to the challenges

14 Intercultural dialogue  Universities as platforms for exchange;  Intercultural competencies  A new dimension for the Bologna Process?  Launching conference – 4-5 March 2008 ‘Intercultural Dialogue on University Campus’, Strasbourg  Two more conferences and recommendations for the next Bologna Ministerial meeting (April, 2009)

15 Thank you! Katia Dolgova-Dreyer Higher education and Research division Council of Europe F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex Tel: + 33 3 88 41 26 46 E-mail: Website:

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