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Present Simple Unit 1 1. 2 To be (auxiliary verb) + nouns Iam (singular)a/an (singular noun) Heis (singular)a/an (singular noun) Sheis (singular)a/an.

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Presentation on theme: "Present Simple Unit 1 1. 2 To be (auxiliary verb) + nouns Iam (singular)a/an (singular noun) Heis (singular)a/an (singular noun) Sheis (singular)a/an."— Presentation transcript:

1 Present Simple Unit 1 1

2 2

3 To be (auxiliary verb) + nouns Iam (singular)a/an (singular noun) Heis (singular)a/an (singular noun) Sheis (singular)a/an (singular noun) Itis (singular)a/an (singular noun) Weare (plural)(plural nouns – no a/an) Youare (singular & plural)(singular & plural nouns) Theyare (plural)(plural nouns – no a/an) 3

4 To be (auxiliary verb) + nouns Iam (singular)a bar keeper Heis (singular)a manager Sheis (singular)a housekeeper Itisa book Weare (plural)hotel specialists Youare (singular & plural)a trainee & trainees Theyare (plural)bar managers 4

5 To be + adjectives (no ‘a’ or ‘s’) Iamhappy Heisgorgeous Sheisbeautiful Itisfunny Wearewonderful Youaretired Theyarenervous 5

6 To be + adjectives + nouns Iama happy person Heisa gorgeous man Sheisa beautiful woman Itisa funny story Wearewonderful workers Youare a great worker /tired workers Theyarenervous employees 6

7 Am, Is, Are This sentence difficult We from Spain The children in the garden You an English man My car very expensive Alex twenty-five years old I fine 7

8 Answers - Am, Is, Are This sentence is difficult We are from Spain The children are in the garden You are an English man My car is very expensive Alex is twenty-five years old I am fine 8

9 Am, Is, Are Jane and Peter married My brother here now We in Germany It Monday I a hairdresser My name Alexander 9

10 Am, Is, Are Jane and Peter are married My brother is here now We are in Germany It is Monday I am a hairdresser My name is Alexander 10

11 Am, Is, Are She in the house The dog and the cat in the garden The man behind a tree I Kevin Carol and I friends It black My name Bob 11

12 Corrections - Am, Is, Are She is in the house The dog and the cat are in the garden The man is behind a tree I am Kevin Carol and I are friends It is black My name is Bob The news is on channel 9 12

13 Am, Is, Are He a teacher We hungry She funny and nice I twelve years old Jim and Cathy at school The elephants tired They nice girls The children in the shop 13

14 Corrections - Am, Is, Are He is a teacher We are hungry She is funny and nice I am twelve years old Jim and Cathy are at school The elephants are tired They are nice girls The children are in the shop 14

15 Contractions I amI'm He isHe's She isShe's It isIt's We areWe're You areYou're They areThey're 15

16 Negative Contractions I am notI’m not He is notHe’s notHe isn’t She is notShe’s notShe isn’t It is notIt’s notIt isn’t We are notWe’re notWe aren’t You are notYou’re notYou aren’t They are notThey’re notThey aren’t 16

17 Examples 17

18 18

19 They aren’t here They’re not here We’re from Turkey He isn’t a student He’s not a student It’s a good class There’s a computer …… I’m twenty one years old You’re a good friend I’m not tall She isn’t at the ….. She’s not at the… 19

20 20

21 am is are is are isare am is I am / ’m He is/ ’s they are/they’re It is/’s You are/You’re She is 21

22 Write about you 22

23 23

24 is She is/ She’s ‘s/ is He is/He’s are are/ They’re am/ I’m 24

25 hot scared angry 25

26 are cold is hot He’s afraid They’re hungry She’s angry It is/ It’s OR It isn’t / It’s not My hands are OR aren’t/ are not Brazil is not / Brazil isn’t Diamonds are not / aren’t cheap Toronto isn’t/ Toronto’s not in the US 26

27 ‘m hungry or I’m not hungry 27

28 28

29 ‘m ‘s/is‘m/ am isn’t ‘s/is arearen’t ‘m/am ‘s/is is 29

30 30

31 Russia aren’t islands Peas are green Carrots and onions aren’t green 31

32 32

33 Elephants and whales are big Cats aren’t big Gold is expensive Milk and ice-cream aren’t expensive I’m interested in / I’m not interested in 33

34 34

35 ‘m/am ‘s/is ‘s not/isn’t are is ‘m notare ‘s not/isn’tis 35

36 36

37 ‘s/is isn’t ‘s ‘s/ is isn’t are ‘s/is aren’t isn’t is ‘m not aren’t ‘s/ is ‘s not/isn’t ‘s/is 37

38 Questions 38

39 Remember: Auxiliary Verbs Iama happy person Heisa gorgeous man Sheisa beautiful woman Itisa funny story Wearewonderful workers Youarea tired guy/tired guys Theyareanxious employees 39

40 Questions AmIa happy person? Ishea gorgeous man? Isshea beautiful woman? Isita funny story? Arewewonderful workers? Areyoua tired guy/tired guys? Aretheyanxious employees? 40

41 Word order - Questions Jane and Alice are sisters? your this is car? happy are you? twenty-five are years you old? engaged they are? she is married? Tom and Mary are separated? divorced are they? new bicycle that is your? 41

42 Answers - Word order Are Jane and Alice sisters? Is this your car? Are you happy? Are you twenty-five years old? Are you engaged? Is she married? Are Tom and Mary separated? Are they divorced? Is that your new bicycle? 42

43 Questions - am, is, are... Jane and Alice sisters?... this your car?... you happy?... you twenty-five years old?... they engaged?... she married? … Tom and Mary separated?... you divorced?... that your new bicycle? 43

44 Answers - am, is, are Are Jane and Alice sisters? Is this your car? Are you happy? Are you twenty-five years old? Are they engaged? Is she married? Are Tom and Mary separated? Are you divorced? Is that your new bicycle? 44

45 Questions - am, is, are this sentence difficult? they from Spain? you an English man? your car very expensive? Alex twenty-five years old? you fine? 45

46 Answers- am, is, are Is this sentence difficult? Are they from Spain? Are you an English man? Is your car very expensive? Is Alex twenty-five years old? Are you fine? 46

47 Questions - am, is, are that book mine? my brother here now? they in Germany? it Monday? you a hairdresser? your name Alexander? 47

48 Answers - am, is, are Is that book mine? Is my brother here now? Are they in Germany? Is it Monday? Are you a hairdresser? Is your name Alexander? 48

49 Questions - am, is, are she in the house? the man behind the tree? it black? your name Bob? he a teacher? we hungry? 49

50 Answers - am, is, are Is she in the house? Is the man behind the tree? Is it black? Is your name Bob? Is he a teacher? Are we hungry? 50

51 51

52 Answers Is your job interesting? Are the shops open today? Are you interested in sport? Is the post office near here? Are your children at school? Where are you from? 52

53 Open questions What is your name? – John Where are you from? – Barcelona What are you afraid of? – Snakes, flying, ex-partners …………… 53

54 Question styles Closed questions - yes/no answers Open questions – detailed answers 54

55 Question words A person - who A place - where A thing - what A time - when or what time The reason you do something - why 55

56 Open Question Words – 1b What – Asking for information about something What is your name? What is that? What is on your chair? 56

57 Open Question Words – 2b When or What time – Asking for time When is your birthday? When is the TV show on? What time is it? What time is the party? 57

58 Open Question Words – 3b Where – asking about a place or position Where is your home work? Where is your book? Where is your office? Where are the Spotlight magazines? 58

59 Open Question Words – 4b Why – asking for the reason Why are you here? Why are you happy? Why are in the English class? 59

60 Open Question Words – 5b Who – asking about a person Who is that hottie over there? Who are you? 60

61 Open Question Words – 6b How – asking about a person’s health How are you? How are your family? 61

62 Open Question Words – 7b How + adjective – How much (money, time, work) How much are the flowers? 62

63 Open Question Words – 8b How + adjective – How old How old are you? 63

64 64

65 are Is is Are is 65

66 Questions 66

67 Answers G F H C A E B I D 67

68 68

69 Answers Where’s / is How old are How much are What’s / is Who’s/ is What colour are 69

70 Italy 70

71 Are you an American? How old are you? Are you a teacher? Are you married? Is your wife a lawyer? Where is she from? What’s her name? How old is she? Answers Italy 71

72 72

73 Where are you from? Howare you What colour are your What is your job? What are you Who is your Why are you Answers 73

74 74

75 Answers Are your friends at the library? Are you afraid of dogs? Is she a doctor? Am I late? Are we right? Are they from Mexico? Is she a student? Are you ok? Is she here? 75

76 Practice sentences 76

77 Remember: Auxiliary Verbs Iama happy person Heisa gorgeous man Sheisa beautiful woman Itisa funny story Wearewonderful workers Youarea tired guy/tired guys Theyareanxious employees 77

78 Question form AmIa happy person? Ishea gorgeous man? Isshea beautiful woman? Isita funny story? Arewewonderful workers? Areyoua tired guy/tired guys? Aretheyanxious employees? 78

79 Short Answers: Positive Iam Heis Sheis Itis Weare Youare Theyare 79

80 Short Answers: Negative (3) I‘m not He‘s notisn’t She‘s notisn’t It‘s notisn’t We‘re notaren’t You‘re notaren’t They‘re notaren’t 80

81 Create Short Answers Using Aux (1) Are Jane and Alice sisters? Yes,…. Is this your car? No,…. Are you happy? Yes,….. Are you twenty-five years old? No,…. Are they engaged? Yes,…. Is she married? Yes,….. Are Tom and Mary separated? Yes,…… Are they divorced? No,….. Is this your new bicycle? Yes,…. 81

82 Answers (1) Are Jane and Alice sisters? Yes, they are Is this your car? No, it isn’t/ it’s not Are you happy? Yes, I am Are you twenty-five years old? No, I’m not Are they engaged? Yes, they are Is she married? Yes, she is Are Tom and Mary separated? Yes, they are Are they divorced? No, they aren’t/ they’re not Is this your new bicycle? Yes, it is 82

83 Create Short Answers Using Aux (2) Is this sentence difficult? Yes,…. Are they from Spain? No,…. Are you an English man? Yes,…. Is your car very expensive? No,…. Is Alex twenty-five years old? Yes,… Are you fine? Yes,…. 83

84 Answers (2) Is this sentence difficult? Yes, it is Are they from Spain? No, they aren’t/ they’re not Are you an English man? Yes, I am Is your car very expensive? No, it isn’t/ it’s not Is Alex twenty-five years old? Yes, he is Are you fine? Yes, I am 84

85 Create Short Answers Using Aux (3) Is that book mine? No,…. Is my brother here now? Yes,…. Are they in Germany? No,…. Is it Monday? Yes,….. Are you a hairdresser? No,… Is your name Alexander? Yes,…. 85

86 Answers (3) Is that book mine? No, it isn’t/ it’s not Is my brother here now? Yes, he is Are they in Germany? No, they aren’t/ they’re not Is it Monday? Yes, it is Are you a hairdresser? No, I’, not Is your name Alexander? Yes, it is 86

87 Create Short Answers Using Aux (4) Is she in the house? Yes,… Is the man behind the tree? No,…. Are you Kevin? Yes,…. Is it black? No,… Is your name Bob? Yes,… 87

88 Answers (4) Is she in the house? Yes, she is Is the man behind the tree? No, he isn’t/ he’s not Are you Kevin? Yes, I am Is it black? No, is isn’t/ it’s not Is your name Bob? Yes, it is 88

89 Create Short Answers Using Aux (5) Is he a teacher? Yes,…. Are they hungry? No,… Is she funny? Yes,…. Are you twelve years old? No,…. Are they nice girls? Yes,… 89

90 Answers (5) Is he a teacher? Yes, she is Are they hungry? No, they aren’t not/ they’re not Is she funny? Yes, she is Are you twelve years old? No, I’m not Are they nice girls? Yes, they are 90

91 Short Answers 91

92 92

93 he is it isn’t/ it’s not we aren’t/ we’re not she is I am he isn’t/ he’s not it is she isn’t/ she’s not they aren’t/ they’re not 93

94 94

95 No, she isn’t OR No, she’s not No, they aren’t OR No, they’re not Yes,he is No, he isn’t OR No, he’s not No, they aren’t OR No, they’re not 95

96 96

97 They’re 20 euros It’s Julia No, it isn’t Yes, they are No, isn’t It’s on the table 97

98 98

99 Answers Am No, you're not OR No, you aren't ---------------------------------------------- Are No, I'm not Is she? Yes, she is ---------------------------------------------- is Yes, it is Are No, I'm not 99

100 Summary 100

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