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2004 Presidential Election Results and Analysis BA 107.

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1 2004 Presidential Election Results and Analysis BA 107


3 2004 Election by County

4 Summary Winner: George W. Bush He won nearly the same states as he had in 2000. He did however win a clear victory in the popular vote. The election period began with a quick victory in the Democratic primaries for Senator John Kerry. Kerry's early victory and the skillful use of the internet allowed Kerry to raise as much money as the Republicans. From the moment Kerry became the presumptive nominee of the Democratic party, the Republicans began an intensive attack on Kerry. The democrats made Kerry's Vietnam War service a major theme of their convention. Following the convention a group of Vietnam Veterans called the Swift Boat Veterans launched a major attack on Kerry's war record, claiming that he did not deserve his medals. Despite there being no truth in their claims the Swift Boat Veterans received a great deal of publicity and their attacks hurt Kerry. The Republicans had a successful convention in which they attacked Kerry, claiming he was a flip- flopper and could not be trusted to fight the war on terror. The Republican attacks were successful and President Bush opened a significant lead. That changed during the first debate. In that debate Kerry did significantly better then the President. Bush did better is subsequent debates but Kerry was considered the winner of all three. Events in Iraq in the last two weeks before the election seemed to favor Kerry, despite that the greater get out the vote strategy amongst the Republican faithful as well as others who agreed with their values brought victory to President Bush --Source:

5 Age of Voters

6 Gender of Voters

7 Race of Voters

8 Marital Status

9 Gender/Minority

10 Religion

11 Church Attendance

12 Size of Community

13 Issues that Concern Voters

14 Attributes desired in a President

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