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Center of Languages and Communication at Poznan University of Technology Poland 1.

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1 Center of Languages and Communication at Poznan University of Technology Poland 1

2 CLC STAFF CLC PUT currently employs 78 employees, including:  1 person at the position of an associate professor;  17 persons as senior lecturers;  14 persons as lecturers;  42 persons as teachers (including native speakers);  5 administrative staff. 2

3 CLC PUT Authorities: CLC Board: Director Liliana Szczuka-Dorna, Ph.D. Deputy Director Barbara Sawicka, M.A. Deputy Director Iwona Gajewska-Skrzypczak, Ph.D. Head of English and French Section Anna Raulinajtys, Ph.D. Head of German and Russian Section Ewa Kapałczyńska, M.A. Teams representatives 3

4 Didactics The Centre of Languages and Communication offers:  English, German, French, Spanish, Russian -120 teaching hours of Language for Specific Purposes (Ist cycle );  Polish for international students (20+40 hours - 1 semester) (Ist cycle );  Courses LSP, EAP, written English (IInd cycle);  English for Academic Purposes (III cycle). 4

5 CLC for PUT staff and students (Extra courses and activities) A. Language courses (Polish, English, German, French, Spanish, Dutch, Russian, Norwegian, Chinese and Japanese (A1 to C1); B. Soft-Skills courses; C. English in writing; D. E-Learning; E. Translation and interpreting; F. International (BULATS, LCCI ) and state exams (SERMO ACERT) 5

6 CLC initiatives A. The English Olympiad for Students of Technical Universities (November & May); B. Polish Week for international students (September & February); C. Debates with employers (28th April, 2015); D. Competitions and quizzes for students (all year); E. Foreign Languages Day (December); F. Polish Culture Week (December). 6

7 European projects CLC A.National project Engineering Era Project (2008-2012) B.International projects at CLC Tempus (2008-2010) MAGICC (2011-2014) (Modularising Multilingual and Multicultural Academic Communication Competence) Lingu@net (2013-2014) CLILiG - Content and Language Integrated Learning in German (2014-2015) 7

8 CLC International Students 1.Polish week (one week before a given semester): 20 h of basic Polish, meetings with PUT staff & students, learning about Poznan, Wielkopolska & Polish culture. 2.Polish language: 1st semester 40 hours + certificate  A visit to a museum  Polish Films Coordinator:Barbara Tarko, M.A. 3. Polish Culture Week: December 4. Foreign language: faculty regulations - classes & final exam 5. Extra courses: Coordinator: Małgorzata Świca, M.A. 8

9 CLC International Students Key competences for lifelong learning  communication in the mother tongue,  communication in foreign languages,  mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology,  digital competence,  learning to learn,  social and civic competences,  sense of initiative and entrepreneurship,  cultural awareness and expression. 9

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