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Experience the Future of Real Estate Today Lender-Agent Collaborative Developing Customer Relationships Together.

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Presentation on theme: "Experience the Future of Real Estate Today Lender-Agent Collaborative Developing Customer Relationships Together."— Presentation transcript:

1 Experience the Future of Real Estate Today Lender-Agent Collaborative Developing Customer Relationships Together

2 Experience the Future of Real Estate Today Integrated Marketing System Attracts Real Estate Agent Partners Generates Home Buyer Leads Builds a Pipeline of Future Business Reduces Marketing Expenses Develops Your Social Media Marketing Strategy Develop Relationships… Generate Referrals… Close Transactions

3 Experience the Future of Real Estate Today Develop Real Estate Partnerships Lenders Develop Real Estate Agent Relationships – Provide marketing system options to agents – Together, cultivate consumer relationships – Generate business opportunities – Transact business Lead Generation – Property listing service for consumers – Leads controlled by lender – Qualified leads distributed to agents

4 Experience the Future of Real Estate Today Short List Theory Consumers seek information on-line without commitment They develop a “short list” of options Choose their preferences and initiate interaction Respond, interact and obtain permission to remain on their “short list”

5 Experience the Future of Real Estate Today System Collaboration tools for lenders and agents Enhanced WordPress blog site Real Bird Pro – property search, listing sites Social media marketing strategy Technology and business development training

6 Experience the Future of Real Estate Today WordPress Blog Site Powerful website, easy to edit and manage Blogging platform Video and social media integration Auto-blogging SEO enhanced Business directory Auto email follow-up

7 Experience the Future of Real Estate Today Real Bird Pro Property search of Google base listings – MLS feeds and FSBO listings Map based searches Single property websites Property listing syndication Craig’s list ad integration

8 Experience the Future of Real Estate Today Social Media Marketing Strategy Social Media Tools – Interactive website and blog – Markets the value proposition Visibility – High search engine positioning – Lower cost Social Authority – Establish local expertise as lenders and real estate agents

9 Experience the Future of Real Estate Today Value of Social Media Recent Survey of Companies Utilizing Social Media

10 Experience the Future of Real Estate Today WordPress Blog Site WordPress website with bloggingwebsite SEO (search engine optimized) – Google index Property search of real estate listings Listing and services promotion Content ideas and training for blog entries Consumer initiates interactions, follow-up get on the short list

11 Experience the Future of Real Estate Today Blogging to Generate Leads Consumers research information online Key phrase search indexes relevant articles Your articles appear in the results You develop social authority – local expert Creates trust with the consumer Generates a registration for services and info

12 Experience the Future of Real Estate Today Training and Support E-Manual and workbook Video training library Weekly marketing webinars – Blog ideas and concepts – Lead cultivation and conversion techniques Online support

13 Experience the Future of Real Estate Today Benefits Mortgage Loan Officer Real estate agent business relationships and referrals Home buyer leads Sales pipeline of future business Personal promotion and branding Reduce marketing expenses Training and online support Real Estate Agent Consumer interaction Lead generation Pre-approved buyers from lender Listing marketing Reduce marketing expenses Personal promotion Training and online support

14 Experience the Future of Real Estate Today Pricing Lender Site - – $89/month, $49 set-up fee – Multiple agent partners Town Site – based on gross sales (2009) – $29/month up to 25 million – $49/month up to 50 million – $79/month up to 100 million – $99/month up to 150 million – 129/month up to 250 milli on – Quote over $250 million

15 Experience the Future of Real Estate Today Lender Master Site Master Linking from Main Site to Town Sites

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