Natural Processes that Change Climate

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Presentation on theme: "Natural Processes that Change Climate"— Presentation transcript:

1 Natural Processes that Change Climate
Volcanic Eruption Ocean Circulation Solar Activity Earth Motions CO2 fluctuations Ocean acidification

2 Natural Processes that Change Climate
Volcanic Eruptions The presence of volcanic ash, dust, and aerosols in the air increase the amount of solar radiation that is reflected back into space. This causes Earth’s lower atmosphere to cool.

3 Eruption of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland video.
What are the possible affects on weather in the area?

4 Natural Processes that Change Climate
Ocean Circulations Changes in ocean circulation also can result in short-term climate fluctuation EX: El Niño

5 Natural Processes that Change Climate
Solar Activity The formation of sunspots appears to correspond with warm periods in Europe and North America Sunspot link


7 Natural Processes that Change Climate
Earth Motions Geographic changes in Earth’s land and water bodies cause changes in climate Changes in the shape of Earth’s orbit and the tilt of Earth’s axis affect global climates.

8 Natural Processes that Change Climate
CO2 Fluctuations Changes in plant growth rates CO2 levels fall during the growing season and rise in the winter

9 Natural Processes that Change Climate
Ocean Acidification Decrease in the ocean’s pH levels in the ocean. CO2 is absorbed by the ocean and forms carbonic acid. Coral Reefs: High levels of CO2 negatively affects corals making their shells. 50% of coral reefs have been destroyed

10 Human Impact on Climate Changes
The Greenhouse Effect Is a natural warming of both Earth’s lower atmosphere and Earth’s Surface. Major Gases: Water vapor and Carbon dioxide Makes life as we know it possible on Earth

11 Check for Understanding?
1.  Which natural process causes Earth's lower atmosphere to cool? 2.  What corresponds with warm periods in Europe and North America? 3.  What decreases in the ocean to cause ocean acidification?

12 Human Impact on Climate Changes
The Greenhouse Effect Cont. Humans have added more greenhouse gases to the atmosphere in the past 200 years. Greenhouse Effect clip NASA's link

13 Human Impact on Climate Changes
Global Warming As a result of increases in CO2 as well as other greenhouse gases, global temperatures have increased. Affects multiple natural events like the weather and melting the polar ice caps.

14 Human Impact on Climate Changes
Global Warming Global Warming clip NASA Global Warming Facts

15 Check For Understanding
1. Compare and contrast the greenhouse effect and global warming. 2. What is the relationship between burning fossil fuels and climate change? Explain.

16 Agree or Disagree? 5. ____ There are no processes that can change climate. 6. ____The Greenhouse effect is the natural warming of Earth’s lower atmosphere and surface. 7. ____ Global warming is the result of increased greenhouse gases, like CO2, being released by humans.

17 El Nino verses La Nina El Niño La Niña Trade winds weaken
Warm ocean water replaces offshore cold water near South America Irregular intervals of three to seven years Wetter than average winters in NC La Niña Normal conditions between El Nino events When surface temperatures in the eastern Pacific are colder than average The southern US is usually warmer and dryer in climate

18 Explanation of El Nino Another look at El Nino

19 El Nino Southern Oscillation: ENSO
Occurs: three to seven years The warm countercurrents in the Pacific become unusually strong and replace normally cold offshore waters with warm equatorial waters. Characterized by unusually warm ocean surface temperatures

20 Think about it… Brainstorm what negative effects you think would be likely to accompany the rise in temperature, including natural disasters. Think about the impacts on weather… Droughts, floods, mudslides, hurricanes, typhoons… El Nino Video

21 Cause and Effect El Nino
Cause: Develop when easternly winds weaken. Warm surface air creates more thunderstorms over the central and eastern pacific Effect: Subtropical jet stream is energized, storms lead to frequent mudslides in SO. CAL. And a wet winter in the Southern US

22 Cause and Effect La Nina
Cause: Stronger than normal trade winds push warm water farther west Effect: Polar jet stream is amplified, brings cold air to northwest. Subtropical jet stream moves northward bringing moisture, heavy rains, and mountain snows to the Pacific Northwest. El Nino and La Nina Visualization

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