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By Samira, Felix, Janaki, Carina. Index  Function of Minerals in our Bodies  Food Containing Minerals  Suggested Daily Intake  Trace Minerals  Consequences.

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Presentation on theme: "By Samira, Felix, Janaki, Carina. Index  Function of Minerals in our Bodies  Food Containing Minerals  Suggested Daily Intake  Trace Minerals  Consequences."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Samira, Felix, Janaki, Carina

2 Index  Function of Minerals in our Bodies  Food Containing Minerals  Suggested Daily Intake  Trace Minerals  Consequences of Mineral Shortage  Minerals from Pills or Food?  Sources

3 Functions of Minerals in our Bodies  Calcium: Bones and teeth  Potassium: Fluid balance, nerve transmission  Phosphate: Bones and teeth  Sodium: fluid balance, nerve transmission  Iron: Blood system,  Iodine: thyrod hormones for metabolism

4 Food Containing Minerals  Calcium: milk, other dairy products, bread  Iron: liver, red meat, egg yolk, dark green vegetables  Potassium: Bananas, dates, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits and legumes  Sodium: Table salt, soy sauce, cured meat, fish and cucumber  Iron: Lean meat, seafood, poultry, white beans, lentils, spinach, kidney beans peas and raisins  Iodine: Fish, seafood, dairy products and Iodized salt

5 Suggested Daily Intake  Calcium: 1000 mg  Potassium: 3500 mg  Phosphate: 1000 mg  Sodium: 2400 mg  Iron: 10 mg  Iodine:150 mcg

6 Trace Minerals  Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA)  Normal minerals and vitamins: 800 to 1,200 mg/ day  For trace minerals: 0.2 to 15 mg/ day  Iron, zinc, manganese, copper, fluoride, iodine, chromium, selenium  Trace mineral supplements only if recommended by doctor

7 Consequences of Mineral Deficiencies  Happens slowly over time  Caused by: increased need for the mineral, lack of the mineral in the diet or difficulty absorbing the mineral  Weak bones and teeth, fatigue or a decreased immune system

8 Minerals from Pills or Food?  Nutritional needs primarily through your diet  Greater nutrition; orange contains many vitamins and minerals, a pill just 1  Essential fibers in food  Vegans/Vegetarians limited variety of food  Food allergies/intolerances

9 Sources  intake.htm intake.htm   articles/nutrition/vitamins-minerals/trace- minerals-what-they-are-and-their- importance.html#b articles/nutrition/vitamins-minerals/trace- minerals-what-they-are-and-their- importance.html#b  r_functions_and_sources- health/article_em.htm r_functions_and_sources- health/article_em.htm  living/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in- depth/supplements/art-20044894 living/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in- depth/supplements/art-20044894

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