OAS Development Cooperation Fund SEDI/DCF OAS/DCF.

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Presentation on theme: "OAS Development Cooperation Fund SEDI/DCF OAS/DCF."— Presentation transcript:

1 OAS Development Cooperation Fund SEDI/DCF OAS/DCF

2 Participating Member States Participating Member States Social Development and the Creation of Productive Employment Productive EmploymentSocial Inclusion/Protection ArgentinaAntigua & Barbuda Costa RicaBarbados ChileBelize DominicaColombia EcuadorGuyana El SalvadorHonduras JamaicaMexico NicaraguaPanama Dominican RepublicPeru St. LuciaUruguay OAS/DCF

3 Definition of National Activities in collaboration with TCS Development of the Programmatic Framework by TCS Program Implementation Begins Process Timeline: By April 20th Presentation to MB April 27 By May 15 OAS/DCF

4 Criteria for Programs A clearly defined objective; Support for solving a national or regional problem; Promote transfers or exchanges of experiences, knowledge, good practices, techniques, and technologies; Promote triangular, south–south, and horizontal forms of cooperation; OAS/DCF

5 Criteria for Programs (cont’d) Increase opportunities for coordinating and mobilizing funding; Contribute to the use and development of local capacities and human capital; Direct the programs toward strengthening institutions and on training human resources; Avoid duplication of efforts in resource allocation; Ensure the sustainability of the programs’ results OAS/DCF

6 Key Considerations for development objective National Development Plans Action Plan of the Social Charter of the Americas Ministerial Mandates Specialized Meetings of OAS member states Consultations with Depts of the Secretariat OAS/DCF

7 Goal: Social Protection / Social Inclusion Promote the creation and strengthening of comprehensive social protection systems OAS/DCF Productive Employment Promote the creation of opportunities for productive employment particularly among vulnerable groups

8 Possible Tracks Social Inclusion/Social Protection Improved national capacities to deliver effective social protection and social inclusion programs Establishment and strengthening of linkages between social protection, productive inclusion, income generation and financial inclusion programs OAS/DCF

9 Possible Tracks Productive Employment Improve skills training to address the needs of the productive sector Adapt training to respond to the particularities and needs of vulnerable populations (youth/persons with disabilities/indigenous, etc) Strengthen institutions that assist SMEs in order to boost innovation and productivity OAS/DCF

10 Budgetary Considerations Approved funding for 2014-2017 DCF Programming Cycle: $ 3,200,000 National Activities should not exceed US130,000 in the initial stage of development 1/3 of budget should designated for activities in Education(human dev), Innovation and Technology- Cross-cutting elements OAS/DCF

11 Counterpart and Other Donors To date, the counterpart offered from Member States adds up to $ 1,718,694 To date, the actual amount from other donors in country is $209,700 OAS/DCF

12 Cooperation Opportunities NeedOpportunity Antigua & BarbudaCities for Financial Empowerment - NY ArgentinaRequest to be matched BarbadosRequest to be matched BelizeChile ColombiaMexico - Prospera Costa RicaColombia, El Salvador DominicaRequest to be matched Dominican RepublicCosta Rica, Guatemala, Peru EcuadorMIT – Massachusetts, Brazil, Honduras El Salvador Request to be matched JamaicaColombia, Ecuador HondurasRequest to be matched MexicoBrazil, Dominican Republic, Colombia PeruArgentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Uruguay PanamaArgentina, Uruguay UruguayBrazil, Chile OAS/DCF

13 DCF discussion with Potential Partners Microsoft: discussed as a long time engagement strategy for the cross cutting area of education, innovation and technology. (Access to project management software for implementing national activities within the DCF is being explored) INTEL: Partner on cross-cutting Policy Development tools GOOGLE: A research-based assessment mechanism/methodology to be integrated on every capacity building component presented in the 2014-2017 DCF Programmatic Framework GIZ: Synergies with actual Initiatives implemented by GIZ in the Americas on Social protection and productive employment will be discussed in early May USAID: Overall Partnership/ Complementary programming in LAC KERIS: Complementary Programming in LAC OAS/DCF

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