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Accountability in climate change initiatives – kerbside CO 2 monitoring Ben Barratt, King’s College London APRIL Greenhouse Gas Group December 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Accountability in climate change initiatives – kerbside CO 2 monitoring Ben Barratt, King’s College London APRIL Greenhouse Gas Group December 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Accountability in climate change initiatives – kerbside CO 2 monitoring Ben Barratt, King’s College London APRIL Greenhouse Gas Group December 2009

2 Aims of the presentation The problem – why do we need kerbside CO 2 monitoring?: −Emissions model validation −Accountability A solution −Kerbside monitoring trial −A CO 2 monitoring network for London The way forward: −Analysis methods −Funding −Integration / co-ordination 2

3 1. Model Validation Detailed LAEI used for CO 2 emissions scenario testing for TfL. Modelling toolkit to produce high resolution (2x2m) output. 3 Validation with monitoring data essential part of process. Mapped CO 2 outputs possible, but not robust without measurement validation.

4 1. Model Validation 4 Decreases in NO X, NO 2 and PM 10 predicted by NAEI and LAEI have halted (common across Europe). CO 2 emissions predictions may also be wrong.

5 2. Accountability 5 Isolation and quantification of affects of transport initiatives (GG and non-GG) on London’s CO 2 concentrations. Increasingly advanced analysis techniques used to separate influencing factors. Relies on high quality monitoring data at a range of comparable monitoring sites, including ‘control’ sites. Monitoring must be in place well before intervention.

6 2. Accountability 6 How strong is the traffic signal?

7 2. Accountability 7 How strong is the traffic signal? > 200 ppb NO x

8 2. Accountability 8 Local sources of CO 2 have to be isolated from non-local.

9 3. An urban CO 2 monitoring network 9 A proposed network of ground-level fixed permanent CO 2 monitors. Monitors co-located with existing comprehensive pollution monitoring sites, including met and classified traffic data. Primarily roadside, but also urban background and rural. Instrumentation must be affordable, reliable (>90% annual data capture), stable, responsive. Operated to defined QA/QC standards – temporally and spatially comparable.

10 3. Kerbside analyser trial 10 ModelTechniqueDeployment period‘Valid’ data capture (%) Monitor Labs 9820IR Absn.7 months90.3 API 360IR Absn.8 weeks80.6 SynspecGC7 weeks98.5 Licor 820IR4 months47.6

11 4. The way forward 11 Funding −Has to be long term −TfL, Defra −Clearflo −Marylebone Road KCL-funded permanent Li-cor Transferral and application of analysis methods. Co-ordination with other measurements (tower, flux etc).

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