Welcome to ECON 4333 (web-assisted) Arkansas State University Spring semester, 2010 This presentation provides information about ECON 4333 (Government.

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1 Welcome to ECON 4333 (web-assisted) Arkansas State University Spring semester, 2010 This presentation provides information about ECON 4333 (Government Regulation of Business ) in the online format. Course Syllabus

2 Your Professor Christopher Brown Business 412 870-972-3737 (tel.) 870-972-3417 (fax) crbrown@astate.educrbrown@astate.edu (email) www.clt.astate.edu/crbrownwww.clt.astate.edu/crbrown (web)

3 Course Prerequisites You must have satisfied the following prerequisites to enroll for this class: ECON 2313 (principles of macroeconomics) ECON 2323 (principles of microeconomics). The following requirements apply to Business majors only: To be eligible to enroll in any upper division courses, business majors must satisfy the following enrollment requirements: (1) Complete 54 hours of GenEd requirements and lower level Business math requirements; (2) complete the following lower level courses: ENG 1003 and ENG 1013; QM 2113.

4 The Textbook The required text for this course is: V. Kip Viscusi, John Vernon, and Joseph Harrington. The Economics of Regulation and Antitrust, 4th edition. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2005. You can purchase this text at the ASU Bookstore, or You can purchase the book through an online vendor such as Campusbooks.com To purchase the book online, you need the ISBN number, which is: 978-0-22075- 022062-0Campusbooks.com

5 Equipment and Software Needs You must own or have access to the following items to take this course: A computer will a recent vintage operating system; High speed internet service; Sound card and speakers; Printer; and The Microsoft Office 2007 suite of applications (specifically PowerPoint, Excel, and Word). Note that under the terms of the Microsoft Campus Agreement, ASU students may obtain copies of Microsoft Office and Windows at no charge.Microsoft Campus Agreement

6 Blackboard 8 We will use the Blackboard 8 course management system for this course. You should be enrolled in Blackboard automatically. Browse to http://blackboard.astate.eduhttp://blackboard.astate.edu Announcements, course content, homework assignments, and other materials will be available at the ECON 4333 site. The first examination will be administered online using Blackboard.

7 Course Modules The course is organized into thirteen (13) modules spaced over fourteen (14) weeks. Each module contains a reading assignment, one or more PowerPoint presentations, and other content such as MP3 files. Access the modules by clicking on the Modules button in the ECON 4333 section of Blackboard 8. Blackboard 8

8 Course Requirements The course requirements include: 1.4 homework assignments 2.A book review 3.2 examinations Homework assignments will be submitted as e-mail attachments, by fax, or using the digital drop box feature of Blackboard. The first will be administered online using Blackboard. The final examination is proctored, but can be taken at ASU- Jonesboro, ASU-Beebe, ASU-Mt. Home, ASU-Heber Springs, or one of the ASU “Degree Centers” at West Memphis, Blytheville, or Forrest City.

9 Book Review As part of the course requirements, students are to submit a review of the following book: Robert Pitovsky, Editor. How the Chicago School Overshot the Mark: The Effect of Conservative Economic Analysis on U.S. Antitrust (Oxford: Oxford University Press), 2008. ISBN-10: 0195339762. ISBN-13: 978-0195339765. This book is not in stock at the ASU Bookstore. You should purchase the book as quickly as possible. I recommend using online booksellers sellers such as Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Powell’s Books. You should be able to obtain an inexpensive used copy. The book review should be a minimum of 5 pages and is to be typed (double spaced) and checked for proper grammar and spelling. You will receive further instructions for the book review by email. The book review is due no later than Friday, April 10. Send your book review as an email attachment to crbrown@astate.edu. Or you may use the digital drop box feature in Blackboard. Or fax to 870-972-3417. Blackboard

10 Determining the Course Grade ItemPoints Homework (20 points each)80 Book Review80 Exam 1100 Final Exam140 Total400 The various components have the following “point” values:

11 The Grading Scale Your grade will be determined according to the following scale: PointsGrade 352-400A 308-351B 264-307C 220-263D Below 220F

12 E-Mail : Student Mail ONLY!! You MUST use your ASU Student E-mail account for ALL course communications.

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