-burning fossil fuels for energy and transport add more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere - large-scale deforestation reduces the number of trees and other.

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Presentation on theme: "-burning fossil fuels for energy and transport add more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere - large-scale deforestation reduces the number of trees and other."— Presentation transcript:


2 -burning fossil fuels for energy and transport add more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere - large-scale deforestation reduces the number of trees and other green plants removing carbon dioxide for photosynthesis: rising carbon dioxide levels - methane is produced by livestock farming, rotting plant material in marshes and paddy fields, and by drilling for oil and gas. Methane and carbon dioxide are greenhouse gases - they insulate the atmosphere so that it traps more of the sun's energy. This is the called the greenhouse effect, and it is the cause of global warming.

3 Results of Global Warming - global weather patterns may change, changing rainfall patterns, causing drought in some places and floods in others - melting of polar ice caps could raise sea levels, causing increased coastal erosion and flooding of low-lying land - including some major cities

4 Polar bear, seals and other animals of the arctic areas fight for their lives trying to reach the mainland, as ice floes are breaking off and moving too far off the mainland. Many animals drown while trying to come back to the mainland. Global Warming causes a crisis to the living beings of our planet. It does not only hit the habitat of the human animals, but very much of the non-human animals too.

5 A November 2006 report published by the U.N.'s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) revealed that the livestock sector generates more greenhouse gas emissions - 18 percent - than transportation. The FAO also reported that the livestock industry is responsible for 37 percent of anthropogenic (generated by human activity) methane and 65 percent of anthropogenic nitrous oxide, both of which have a higher 'global warming potential' than carbon dioxide. The FAO also blamed the livestock sector for heavy deforestation, and according to the World Resources Institute, deforestation, which is directly linked to factory farming, is responsible for approximately 20 percent of all global warming emissions.

6 - livestock sector generates more greenhouse gas emissions - 18 percent - than transportation - the livestock industry is responsible for 37 percent of anthropogenic (generated by human activity) methane and 65 percent of anthropogenic nitrous oxide - both have a higher 'global warming potential' than carbon dioxide. -heavy deforestation, which is directly linked to factory farming, is responsible for approximately 20 percent of all global warming emissions

7 The crisis is in front of our houses.

8 So the message is unmistakable. This crisis means danger! But in order to move through the danger to seize the opportunity, we have first to recognize that we are in fact facing a crisis. So why is it that our leaders seem not to hear such clarion warnings? Are they resisting the truth because they know that the moment they acknowledge it they will face a moral imperative to act? Is it simply more convenient to ignore the warnings?... And now we face a crisis with unprecedented danger that also presents an opportunity like no other. As we rise to meet this historic challenge, it promises us prosperity, common purpose, and the renewal of our moral authority. We should not wait. We cannot wait. We must not wait. The only thing missing is political will. But in our democracy, political will is a renewable resource. ~ Al Gore ‘The Moment of Truth’

9 What are the consequences of Global Warming? Global Hunger – not only natural disasters, and as a combination of everything: a Global Crisis

10 Rising global temperatures could melt Latin America's glaciers within 15 years, cause food shortages affecting 130 million people across Asia by 2050 and wipe out Africa's wheat crop, according to a U.N. report. Farmers will have to abandon traditional crops such as corn, rice, wheat and sugar as their soil becomes increasingly saline from rising sea levels. Latin America's diverse ecosystems will struggle with intense droughts and flooding and as many as 70 million people in the region will be left without enough water, according to the report. In Europe's Mediterranean region, climate change is expected to sap electric power generation, raise sea levels in coastal regions, reverse tourism trends and leave millions of people with water shortages, scientists said.

11 Grain used as animal food in factory farms could feed hungry people 80% of agricultural land in the USA solely, is being used for breeding of poultry, pigs and other farm animals Around 70% of all grain is fed to those animals If all wheat, soy and corn which go to factory farms would be given to hungry people of the world, there would no longer be a world hunger.

12 Watch your carbon-footprint but even more: watch your meat-footprint

13 Meat industry pollutes grounds through - faeces - sewage - other waste materials - exhaust gases which affects ground water and destroys drinking water sources.

14 Results of Global Warming Ice cap melting and abrupt climate change that might lead us into some new ice age. We can also expect earth quakes, destruction of all water sources and sooner or later a pole-switch. In the last 50 years the North Pole has moved for 20km. Due to this every year compasses in airplanes and similar must be adjusted.

15 To avoid Global Hunger, our civilization has to make drastic changes, such as in our alimentation. Quitting meat eating and going vegetarian or even better vegan - as the milk industry and the meat industry hardly can be unlinked, obviously is vital.

16 But also our energy technologies need to change. Here short-term and long-term solutions are available. Bio-fuels could be produced from crop – which contain up to 80% less pollutants. But do we combust other people‘s food with this?

17 Did scientists more or less force the oil-industry to introduce bio-fuels by the recent climate changes and events? How to put a bad light on bio-fuel now to make the people further buy fossil fuel? Buy the crop from the poor! Instead of cutting down factory farming and use the saved crop and water for bio-fuel production.

18 If we do not change our energy technologies Europe and the U.S. Will face a hunger as Africa does already today. Global Warming is caused by the meat industry and energy lobbies together, which destroy our environment at such drastic suicidal speed, that makes a World Hunger almost inevitable.

19 Where you aware that Africa has the greatest sources of oil, gold, diamonds and other for industry valuable materials such as uranium? Nevertheless it is one of the poorest continents with the greatest number of starving people. Why? Could it be possible that leading industrial countries due to the exploitation of those countries, such as in Africa cause an artificial hunger, only to be able to exploit the continent’s resources, while it’s corrupt leaders live prosper?

20 With drinking water alone agriculture could be realized even in Africa. Western industrial countries do have technologies to generate drinking water! But the people are taught how to breed cattle, instead of using the little water and crop they have to feed their children. With the crop used to produce only 1kg of meat some 20 people could be fed.

21 PETA to Al Gore: ‘You can’t be an meat-eating environmentalist - The Most Inconvenient Truth’ Raising animals for food generates more greenhouse gases than all the cars and trucks in the world combined.

22 Go Veg and Be Happy

23 Myth 1. There is not enough food. Myth 2. Nature's to blame. Myth 3. There are too many mouths to feed. Myth 4. Food vs. our environment. Myth 5. The Green Revolution is the answer. Myth 6. Justice vs. production. Myth 7. The free market can end hunger. Myth 8. Free trade is the answer. Myth 9. Too hungry to revolt. Myth 10. More U.S. aid will help the hungry. Myth 11. We benefit from their hunger. Myth 12. Food vs. freedom. 12 MYTHS ABOUT HUNGER

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