1.Culture: Way of life of a given people. 2.P: Political. How people govern themselves. 3.E: Economic. How people make a living. 4.R: Religion. How people.

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Presentation on theme: "1.Culture: Way of life of a given people. 2.P: Political. How people govern themselves. 3.E: Economic. How people make a living. 4.R: Religion. How people."— Presentation transcript:


2 1.Culture: Way of life of a given people. 2.P: Political. How people govern themselves. 3.E: Economic. How people make a living. 4.R: Religion. How people worship. 5.S: Social. How people interact. 6.I: Intellectual. How people learn. 7.A: Artistic: How people express themselves. 8.Patrician: Upper class in Ancient Rome 9. Plebeian: Lower class in Ancient Rome. 10. Pax Romana: “Roman Peace” Golden Age of the Roman Empire.

3 11. Mare Nostrum: “Our Sea”. Roman control of the Mediterranean Sea. 12. Aqueduct: Carried water to Roman Cities. 13. Christianity: Monotheistic religion began in Roman Empire, 1 st century AD. 14. Byzantine Empire: Eastern Half of the Roman Empire. Survived 1000 years after Rome fell. 15. Components of Culture: PERSIA 16. Polytheistic: Belief in more than 1 god. 17. Athens: Greek City-State. Emphasized education and democracy. 18. Direct Democracy: All citizens have a vote. 19. Sparta: Greek City State. Emphasized military.

4 20. Alexander the Great: Conquered Greece, Middle East, India and Persia. 21. Hellenistic Culture: Blend of Greek, Indian, Middle Eastern, and Persian Culture by Alexander the Great. 22. Senate: law making body in Rome.

5 Achilles, TROY Achilles, Thessaly

6  POLITICAL: Birth of Democracy in Athens (Pericles) and Direct-Democracy. MEN ONLY. -The POLIS (city state) is the center of organization.


8  Farming, Trading. (Sea transport)


10 GGreeks were POLYTHEISTIC. SSupreme God: ZEUS HHad Gods, Goddesses for all aspects of life.


12 Gallery of the Gods

13  Depending upon the individual POLIS  ATHENS: Democracy, Freedom of Thought, intellectual advance. Women had little rights.  SPARTA: Militaristic, more equality for women, education not stressed.


15  Highly stressed in Athens  Philosophy: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle  Literature: Epics and Tragedies. Homer- Odyssey  Science/Math: Pythagoras, Euclid, Hippocrates.

16  Sculpture, beauty of the human body.  Theatre, tragedy, literature.  Architecture: Columns, The Parthenon.

17 Greece, Out of Many--One


19  Sparta defeat Athens in the Peloponnesian War. Leads to an overall weakening of Greece.  Philip II of Macedonia takes control of Greek Empire, his son Alexander assumes control after his death.Alexander

20 SSwift and powerful warrior conquers Persia (331BC) and takes Babylon. MMoves into India in 326 BC. Dies here. CCreates largest Empire to date.


22 BBlends cultures in conquered lands. (Cultural Diffusion) CCreates “HELLENISTIC CULTURE” blending Greek, Persian, Egyptian, Indian. LLeads to the rise of the city of ROME.

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