“Silent gratitude isn’t of much use to anyone.” - Gladys Berthe Stern.

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Presentation on theme: "“Silent gratitude isn’t of much use to anyone.” - Gladys Berthe Stern."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Silent gratitude isn’t of much use to anyone.” - Gladys Berthe Stern

2 WHAT IS COACHING A skill that all good leaders should develop. Different from bossing. (bosses say “I’m in charge – do as you’re told”.) Coaches are facilitators. Coaching behavior includes: Giving teams a clearly defined charter. Making team building and development a priority. Mentoring staff. Promoting mutual respect. Accepting responsibility. Setting the pace for success. Providing feedback and recognition. Dealing with people who don’t carry their load.

3 SETTING THE PACE The speed of the leaders determines the rate of the pack. People watch everything leaders do. Every interaction with team members is a coaching opportunity to: create a positive, winning climate. clarify goals. prioritize tasks. listen to ideas. provide recognition. Roam around, ask questions, visit with team members.

4 COACHING SUPERSTARS Earned their title as “consistently outstanding performers”. Often abused, rather than rewarded. (They take up the slack.) May be abused because they are most dependable. Get them involved. Delegate extensively. Encourage them to teach. Provide training. Have them fill in for you. Stretch them. Celebrate their successes. Express your pride in them. Spend time with them. Promote them. HOW TO COACH YOUR SUPERSTARS

5 COACHING MIDDLE STARS Some new, some old but inconsistent. The backbone of your team – usually the highest percentage. Could eventually become superstars, or falling stars. Remembering their family. Asking their opinion. Showing empathy in a personal crisis. OFTEN INSPIRED BY SMALL THINGS Build their confidence by increasing their responsibilities. Give frequent and accurate performance feedback. Create a resource library. Teach them how to set goals. “Catch” them doing good things. Hook them up with a superstar for mentoring. Create awards that appeal to their personal values. TIPS TO HELP MOTIVATE They are “On The Bubble” and can become better or worse.

6 COACHING FALLING STARS Falling Stars are: uncooperative emotionally unstable chronically late mediocre performers, etc... THIS IS WHERE THINGS GET TOUGH KEYS TO FOLLOW: Conduct climate assessment. In writing, clearly define and analyze the performance issue. Practice the session. Select the right place to conduct the session. Have some potential solutions ready. Let them know, up front, why you called the meeting. Gain agreement that there is a problem. State the specific consequences if the problem continues. Request an action plan from the employee. Reinforce the employee’s commitment and close the session.

7 COACHING Self-Awareness Self-Management Social Awareness Relationship Management Review and discuss “THE FOUR DIMENSIONS OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE” Refer to your workbook – Complete “T-P LEADERSHIP QUESTIONNAIRE”

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