CEN Student Focus GroupApril 1, 2011 CEN Program Focus Group TOPICS: –Course Availability. –Course Relevance. –Subjects not Offered. –Course issues. 1/6.

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Presentation on theme: "CEN Student Focus GroupApril 1, 2011 CEN Program Focus Group TOPICS: –Course Availability. –Course Relevance. –Subjects not Offered. –Course issues. 1/6."— Presentation transcript:

1 CEN Student Focus GroupApril 1, 2011 CEN Program Focus Group TOPICS: –Course Availability. –Course Relevance. –Subjects not Offered. –Course issues. 1/6

2 CEN Student Focus GroupApril 1, 2011 Current Issues Two-semester Senior Design course ? Mandatory group work in Senior Design ? COT-3100 Discrete Structures: make CIS-3020 (Introduction to CIS) or CIS-3023 (Progr. For CIS majors II) a pre-requisite ? Currently a co- requisite. COP-4600 Operating Systems: add C programming course as a pre-requisite ? 2/6

3 CEN Student Focus GroupApril 1, 2011 Current Issues (cont’d) CDA-3101 Computer Organization: add Discrete Structures or Digital Logic as a pre-requisite ? CEN-4500C Computer Networking: cover Java threading and synchronization in Operating Systems (a pre-req) ? Add one more lab hour to CIS-3020 (Intro. to CIS) ? 3/6

4 CEN Student Focus GroupApril 1, 2011 Current Issues (cont'd) Except for Operating systems, C/C++ not emphasized in the program (vs. Java). COP-3530 Data Structures now in C++. Verdict ? Individual programming skills not emphasized enough ? 4/6

5 CEN Student Focus GroupApril 1, 2011 Other Issues Suggestions for the CEN program ? Advising Course Content Courses that should be dropped Course that should be added Other requirements ? 5/6

6 CEN Student Focus GroupApril 1, 2011 THANK YOU ! 6/6

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