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Iran and India Before Islam. The Parthian Dynasty (247 BC - 223 AD) Rises in the East of Iran Long, Endless Wars with Rome Zorastrians War with Rome eventually.

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Presentation on theme: "Iran and India Before Islam. The Parthian Dynasty (247 BC - 223 AD) Rises in the East of Iran Long, Endless Wars with Rome Zorastrians War with Rome eventually."— Presentation transcript:

1 Iran and India Before Islam

2 The Parthian Dynasty (247 BC - 223 AD) Rises in the East of Iran Long, Endless Wars with Rome Zorastrians War with Rome eventually allowed their vassals to overthrow them.

3 The Sasanid Empire (224-651 AD)

4 The Sassanid Empire (224-651 AD) Persian in Ancestry Intolerant Nationalists Endless Wars with Byzantium Extended Family is Base Unit Elite Classes: Priests, Warriors, Scribes Common Folk Agriculture Based Economy

5 Sassanid Religion Zorastrian Revival –Chief Priest (Mobar) Tosar, 225-239 AD –The Avesta canon compiled –Mobar Kartir (239-293 AD) -- Convertor of Other Faiths

6 Manicheanism

7 Mani (216-77 AD) –Dualistic Religion Ahura-Mazda vs. Ahriman –Claimed to be root of Christianity, Zorastrianism, and Buddhism –Called his system “Justice” –Executed by Mobar Kartir –Saint Augustine originally a Manichean!

8 Later Zorastrianism Orthodoxy Survives The Teachings of Mazdak (5th-6th century) –Denounced Material Wealth –Asceticism and Social Justice –Wealth Redistribution –Slaughtered by Choroses Anosharvan

9 The Gupta Dynasty

10 The Gupta Empire (320-550 AD) Classical Age of India = Han China, Augustan Rome, or Periclean Greece Chandragupta (320-30 AD) Samudragupta (330-375 AD) Chandragupta II (375-415 AD) Controls North and Western India Vassal Kings Huns: 500 AD, Weakens Empire

11 Gupta Culture Cultural Contacts with Eastern / Southeast Asia Architecture, Painting, Literature Flourish Age of Kalidasa, the ‘Shakespeare of Sanskrit’ (Unclear time, must be before 634 AD)

12 Gupta Inventions Chess The concept of 0 ‘Arabic Numerals’ (Our modern numbers) Medical Science--drugs, bone setting, caesarian sections, skin grafting. The Kama Sutra

13 The Development of “Classical” Traditions in Indian Civilization (300-1000 AD) Solidification of the Caste System: The Dharmashastra of Manu (200 AD) –Varna (class) system –Dharma determines duties by class Brahmin (Priest) Kshatriya (Warrior) Vaishya (Tradesperson) Shudra (Servant) Outcastes

14 The Caste System (II) Jatis--Divisions within a Varna –Hereditary –commensality (one may only eat with people of the same or a higher group) –endogamy (one may only marry members of the same group) –trade/craft limitations (one may only practice one's group's trade). –Foreigners assimilated by designating Jati for them.

15 Hindu Religious Life Rise of Single Diety Cults Bhakti--Loving Devotion –Meditation --> Devotion to a God –Bhakti inside is achieved by practice of Bhakti outside –Rise of devotional purity and the Puranas –Gods manifest at many levels of reality

16 Buddhism Mahayana (Greater Vehicle)--1st century BC Compassion is stressed Goal to become a Boddhisatva Salvation through dedication to Boddhisatvas Amida Buddha, Master of the Pure Land

17 Buddhism II Therevada (“Way of the Elders”) Focused on Monasticism Laity earn merit by supporting monks Monks contemplate and study Buddhist scripture and meditate Ceylon, Burma, Southeast Asia

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