Notes_Project staff meeting India, INHERE training centre, Chinoni, Choukutia, Almora 23 rd Feb 2013, Thanammal.

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Presentation on theme: "Notes_Project staff meeting India, INHERE training centre, Chinoni, Choukutia, Almora 23 rd Feb 2013, Thanammal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Notes_Project staff meeting India, INHERE training centre, Chinoni, Choukutia, Almora 23 rd Feb 2013, Thanammal

2 Participants 1.Bupender Rana, Project co-ordinator, INHERE 2.Shankar Devtalla, Field facilitator, INHERE 3.Jegat Singh Rawat, Field facilitator, INHERE 4.Lalit Tiwari Project co-ordinator, Chirag 5.Ramesh Joshi, Field facilitator, Chirag 6.Lalit Mohan Tiwari, Field facilitator, Chirag 7.Kuldeep Thapiyal, Team Leader, Chirag 8.Rinku, Documentation and research officer, Chirag 9.Kishan Nayal, Support trainer for Marketing, Chirag 10.Thanammal Ravichandran, Scietific assistant, ILRI, Almora


4 Introduction participants Partcipants asked to write cards what they want or expect from this meeting – Future work plan and strategy to be decided with timeline – What is IP and how should we continue? – Sharing experiences of IP between CHIRAG and INHERE, what diff between activities – What is role of women in IP? There are not many women facilitators how to tackle? – How to manage expenditure- how to clear the doubts – Understand objectives of the project – How actors/stakeholders can be involved in the project – Quality of data and role of team, who will play what role – Documentation who will do what? – Grass sample knowledge, why it is collected – Grass seed sowing- knowledge of how to sow the seed, technology – PRA of FEAST- UNDERSTAND- NEED TO DISCUSS – There should be one cross check before data collection – Google drive installation

5 Expectation fromParticipants (objectives)

6 Next session-sharing experience of IP- DVC follow up

7 Innovation platform-Follow up- INHERE-sharing- Bupendra Rana Innovation platform- farmers decided they will connect with Anchal for dairy platform All villagers agreed for list of farmers to sell milk Then there was meeting in the cluster level level? Meeting- 2-3 villages in one meeting, some places 2-3 times meetings happened- 5 places meeting conducted 3 sites of collection points decided with 3 villages each sites Proposal made with name of farmers willng to sell and signed all with gram pradhan- forwarded to Anchal office

8 IP-DVC-INHERE……. Saknara village meeting- not agreed why? Sugfgestions discussion with all staffs participated – Its big village, ingternal politics – Participation of men dominated in the meeting – Clause of 2 dairy wanted to open with thinking advantage of becoming 2 secretary- commission expected for men – Suggestion- one dairy will be opened in the saknara point for besarbagad and bunga, if people see the benefit they will start – Even for exposure meeting- women of against party came so not reached for solution – If there is political problem- let us concentrate on women – Very big village is problem, show the benefit through other, – Show benefit by selecting one settlement and work there. – Do not leave the people who makes problem, include them later

9 IP-DVC-INHERE… 3 collection points decided by farmers – Baseri, sutholi, musoli one collection centre- wil start from 1 st of March – Besarbagad, bunga one collection centre – Barkinda, sekhuda and Amroli- one centre Titoli and Nail do not want as they sell milk inside and nearby market Proposal forwarded to Anchal chilling centre, Jetuwa, Choukutia and he forwarded to Almora head office and agreed for first dairy in Baseri- – Survey done by supervisor from Tiwari from Syaldey route – according to them 67 willing to sell – according to them there can be 2 co-operative but they will open one now later they will see according to quantity of milk – Tiwari appreciated for helping them to start dairy

10 IP-DVC-INHERE… Anchal did the survey in Baseri side, rest two site they will do after starting Baseri route Exposure visit- Donogiri producers co-operative Anchal – It was decided in the innovation platform – Some farmers from some villages not motivated for marketing milk, so it is decided to expose them advantage – Anchal and Inhere decided together for Donogiri – After exposure visit, Barkinda and baseri gave their willingness to start dairy Existing SHG are being strengthened by arranging discussions in each month BAIF and veterinary department is being contacted for getting benefit for AI and other services- issue with BAIF- they have project areas they get 50 rs/AI, but they change more- issue raised in village, what can be solution- paravet training Grass is being damaged due to rain, how can we collect samples – Solution-let us wait till dried we will send the existing samples

11 IP-DVC-INHERE- constraints/difficulties Constraints- – Format for data collection is late- Solution- we will try to send soon – Standard of data quality is not good We have to check for one testing format- scan and send we will correct and collect rest Active participation of stakeholders/institutions is not good – Solution-project meeting with district staff- one person should be assigned for responsibility for attending the problems with project need – We will forward the letter to CDO or DM – Regular some health care camp- farmers are willing to pay for the health camp- very important we will follow up- send letter – Personal relation of NGO with Institution is very important- they can come at any time – Help the government vet or staff to achieve their target- we can be a linking organisation – CHIRAG- experience- one doctor was opposing the project of herbal medicine, but when the CHIRAG helped that doctor for herbal medicines he was happy and helped CHIRAG and later he always help for any programme

12 Lack of support…..from ILRI Knowledge sharing is not done in ILRI project- its only with wikispaces but how many can access especially farmers? Solutions? – Literature for diseases- leaflet – Feeding knowledge leaflet is needed – Sharing of experience is most expected – why cant ILRI SHARE experinces from the learning from many projects – Breed knowledge is needed- share with farmers

13 Experience of CHIRAG in IP- DVC-Ramesh Joshi

14 IP-DVC-CHIRAG follow up There was meeting in Kafligerh for IP dairy value chain in November with different stakeholders Many villages with different problems- feed, shelter, marketing etc. There was problem with the dairy value chain of AJEEVIKA, IFAD – farmers felt price difference and quality of milk not maintained – Secretary of dairy not maintained records so cheating in price and quantity – Only benefit to secretary – Ajeevika gives 26 rs but farmers get 20-22 rs, where the money goes – Monitoring by the staffs for payment was problem – The problem started after withdrawal of CHIRAG

15 IP-DVC-CHIRAG…. Anchal agreed that they will come to village to discuss the price system- but later they didn’t come to village – There was problem that supervisor didn’t get permission from her officials – Pressure from Anchal officials not to join CHIRAG – 2008- there was meeting in IFAD villages- and sent the proposal to Anchal-started in these villages, farmers were not happy with rate of Anchal – So IFAD supported a dairy formation in 2011 Experince of Chirag staff- reg Anchal- they have good mechines for testing quality, but monitoring the work of secretary is not done so the secretary don’t do this – So need for complete monitorin g of NGO with Anchal staff is very important – example in Donogiri cluster dairy

16 IP-DVC-CHIRAG….. After seeing the both failure Anchal and IFAD, farmers advised CHIRAG to start a dairy so that they can get the price right and also quality So started 5 th Feb- from Saing, Beribagad, Kolseer, Pagna started with 36 litres on first, 76 litres on 21 st Feb, – There was meeting of these 4 vilages, gram panchayat – Each village one secretary collects milk- she has been selected by farmers, she or he will be motivated- 1 rs/litre incentive, head loader 1 rs /litre – Vehicle hired for transport milk to Bageshwar- 2 Rs/litre – Decision for all these payment by the SHG members/producers – 26 Rs/lit but they will check lactometer, 26-30- 26Rs/lit, 24-26- Rs 24. If below this not accepted milk- decided in the meeting – Pagna included because this village there was no facility for selling, one lady was collecting milk to sell in Bageshwar, she approached CHIRAG for including her village- Gangadevi- casestudy- Rinku will write this and send us with photos

17 IP-DVC-CHIRAG… – Presently 40 farmers involved – We are handicapped with fat checking mechine? – Now women started seeing the lactometer and measuring – Each women started keeping records, previously they never maintained- motivation of CHIRAG staffs, secretary gets disturbed with this but she is happy after few days – Decided for payment in SHG meeting with everybody together so everybody knows the reality Staffs need support of senior staffs regular especially ILRI and senior staff of NGO- we have to plan, I have to share the plan with the team leader before two weeks There is no IP activity in Devaldar-why Due to change of staff- Sijwali to Tiwari Staff need time to understand concept of IP Training of the new staff is going on with Ramesh Joshi- Kathpuriachina

18 Discussion what is IP and its elements

19 Documentation Settlement census – Devaldar completed – Kathpuriachina will be done by 5 th March by Bhuwan pant – Rana will complete by 5 th March Grass sampling – Will be done by both above said staffs by 5 th March FEAST – PRA data will be done by Kuldeep after one example from Thanammal (2 days) – Sampling for individual will be given by march 1 st IP meeting – Will be done by Kuldeep and Rana in excel sheet first and sent – Google drive will be installed when they come Pant nagar on Wednesday or Thursday?

20 Feedback from participants This meeting should be for 2 days with one day or half day to field any village, this meeting should be for every 3-4 months to share the experiences The meeting was very participatory way- all given chance to participate Able to understand where the project is going on Clarity and suggestions for improvement for the issues in IP in different villages and suggestions from all the staffs will help for future activity there The meeting agenda should be sent at least one week back Game was good to understand the importance of innovation and perception and how importance for clarity in the instructions Not discussed the future workplan detail, but will comeout with present work till March along with continuation of IP activities for value chain There will be 4 IP meeting for feed innovations from 4 th week of March to April first week, staff will come out with dates after discussion with Thanammal. Will include feed related actors into this meeting

21 Thank you

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