Academic skills… Using information from sources  Claims and evidence  Quoting, summarising and paraphrasing  Referencing © University of Sydney Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Academic skills… Using information from sources  Claims and evidence  Quoting, summarising and paraphrasing  Referencing © University of Sydney Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Academic skills… Using information from sources  Claims and evidence  Quoting, summarising and paraphrasing  Referencing © University of Sydney Learning Centre 2007

2 Using information from sources Read the assignment question. What is the purpose of this assignment? Read the introduction and conclusion. What is the writer’s over-all view? Read the individual claims. How do they build the over-all view?

3 Using information from sources Look at the list of source information. Which pieces of evidence support claims in the assignment? What should the writer do about the claims for which she/he has no evidence? What should the writer do about any evidence for which she/he has no claim? © University of Sydney Learning Centre 2007

4 Using information from sources What is the difference between a quotation, a summary and a paraphrase? When would you use a quotation? When would you use a summary? When would you use a paraphrase? How does the referencing differ for each? © University of Sydney Learning Centre 2007

5 Using information from sources Paraphrasing and summarising Which words need to stay the same when you summarise or paraphrase? Which words should be changed? Should sentence structures be changed? © University of Sydney Learning Centre 2007

6 Using information from sources Paraphrasing and summarising What words or structures have been changed to paraphrase the information in source material 1? What words or structures have been changed to summarise the information in source material 2? © University of Sydney Learning Centre 2007

7 Using information from sources Paraphrasing and summarising Read text a. Summarise the information to provide evidence for the claim below it. Read text b. Paraphrase the information you need to provide evidence for the claim below it. © University of Sydney Learning Centre 2007

8 Using information from sources Referencing If you quote information, do you always need a reference in the text? If you summarise information, do you always need a reference in the text? If you paraphrase only the parts of the information which you need, do you always need a reference in the text? © University of Sydney Learning Centre 2007

9 Using information from sources Referencing Is there more than one way to provide references? How do you know which way to provide references in your assignments? © University of Sydney Learning Centre 2007

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