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By: Audrey Mohon Animals Rabbits Prairie Dogs Gophers Rats Bison Plants Wheat Corn Rice.

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2 By: Audrey Mohon

3 Animals Rabbits Prairie Dogs Gophers Rats Bison Plants Wheat Corn Rice

4 The temperature in Grasslands in -40 -65 degrees ferinheight in average. This temperature is good for farming.

5 The yearly amount of rainfall is estimated to 50.8-88.9 cm per year. This is also good for farm land

6 The landforms are very grassy and this is also very good for farming

7 Animals Asian elephant Jaguar Sloth Spider monkey Okapi Plants Bengal bamboo Jambu Tualang

8 The temperature of an average rainforest ranges from 30-77F.This temperature makes the area very moist

9 The rainfall is usually around 250 cm per year this also makes the land moist and humid.

10 The landform for rainforest is very wet, damp, humid, and very hot.

11 Animals Jackrabbit Small rodents Spotted Owl Tortes Snakes Plants American cactus Mesquite Creosote

12 The high is 43.5-46C(day) and the low is -50F (at night)

13 The rainfall ranges from 15-26cm per year.

14 Dry and very little water.10-20 percent of deserts are covered by sand and rocks.

15 Animals Whitetail deer Skunk Deer Rabbit Toads Plants Oaks Maples Hickories

16 The temperature for the deciduous forest ranges from 70-65F

17 Rainfall estimates 30-60 inches in a year.

18 The average landform is mountains, hills, trees, and grass.

19 Animals Canada Lynx Birds Mosquito Owls Warblers Plants Conifer Tamarack Evergreens

20 The average temperature is 50-30F.

21 The average rainfall ranges from 30-85 cm per year.

22 The landforms for Taiga is evergreen trees, flat plains, and hills.

23 Animals Birds Caribou Musk Oxen Arctic Fox Plants Arctic moss Caribou moss Pasque flower

24 The temperature is estimated from -34C -37-54F

25 The average rainfall is from 6-10 inches per year.

26 The average landform for a Tundra I frozen soil(so it is very difficult for farm land).

27 By:Audrey Mohon


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