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Halifax, 31 Oct – 3 Nov 2011ICT Accessibility For All The Internet of Things (IoT) aka Machine 2 Machine (M2M) Bilel Jamoussi Chief, Study Groups Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Halifax, 31 Oct – 3 Nov 2011ICT Accessibility For All The Internet of Things (IoT) aka Machine 2 Machine (M2M) Bilel Jamoussi Chief, Study Groups Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Halifax, 31 Oct – 3 Nov 2011ICT Accessibility For All The Internet of Things (IoT) aka Machine 2 Machine (M2M) Bilel Jamoussi Chief, Study Groups Department Telecommunications Standardization Bureau International Telecommunications Union Document No: GSC16-PLEN-90 Source: ITU Contact: Bilel Jamoussi ( GSC Session: PLENARY Agenda Item: 6.9

2 Halifax, 31 Oct – 3 Nov 2011ICT Accessibility For All GSC16-PLEN-90 ITU and the Internet of Things 2 Major ITU report in 2005: The Internet of Things –Describes the visions underlying the IoT –Examines enabling technologies –Explores the market potential –Contemplates the challenges and wider implications –Sets out some of the benefits of IoT for developing countries

3 Halifax, 31 Oct – 3 Nov 2011ICT Accessibility For All GSC16-PLEN-90 Internet of Things: Characteristics Many different competing definitions, regional approaches - common understanding needed at international level IoT becomes essential digital infrastructure for countries Multi operator and service provider business model – not limited to telecom operators Distributed deployment across industries, supply chains, countries and regions Needs regulatory policy support for infrastructure and many vertical market applications e.g. security and privacy for eHealth Charging framework is complex and not well understood 3

4 Halifax, 31 Oct – 3 Nov 2011ICT Accessibility For All GSC16-PLEN-90 ITU JCA on IoT JCA-IoT: –The Joint Coordination Activity on Internet of Things (JCA-IoT), has been approved by ITU- T TSAG in February 2011.TSAG –JCA-IoT replaces and continues the work performed by JCA-NID since 2006.JCA-NID –Mr. Hyoung Jun Kim (ETRI, Korea) was appointed as the Convener of this activity, reporting progress to TSAG. 4

5 Halifax, 31 Oct – 3 Nov 2011ICT Accessibility For All GSC16-PLEN-90 5 Highlight of Current Activities IoT Joint Coordination Activity (JCA-IoT) Coordinates ITU-T work related to IoT, taking into account the work done in other SDOs Maintains a standards roadmap (list of approved IoT international standards and work in progress) Acts as a single point of contact within ITU-T and performs an external coordination role with other relevant recognized SDOs to avoid duplication of work Next meeting of the JCA-IoT: 28-29 November 2011, Geneva, Switzerland More information at:

6 Halifax, 31 Oct – 3 Nov 2011ICT Accessibility For All GSC16-PLEN-90 ITU IoT GSI The Global Standards Initiative on Internet of Things (IoT-GSI) promotes a unified approach in ITU-T for development of technical standards (Recommendations) enabling the Internet of Things on a global scale. ITU-T Recommendations developed under the IoT-GSI by the various ITU-T Questions - in collaboration with other standards developing organizations (SDOs) – will enable worldwide service providers to offer the wide range of services expected by this technology. IoT-GSI also aims to act as an umbrella for IoT standards development worldwide. 6

7 Halifax, 31 Oct – 3 Nov 2011ICT Accessibility For All GSC16-PLEN-90 Highlight of Current Activities 7 IoT Global Standards Initiative (IoT-GSI) Provides a visible single location for information on and development of IoT standards Harmonizes different approaches to the IoT architecture worldwide Participation from: industry, government entities and SDOs (All invited: ETSI M2M, GSC MSTF, ISO/IEC JTC1, TIA, AICTO, ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, GISFI, IEC, IEEE, IETF, ISO, TTA, TTC, IETF etc.)

8 Halifax, 31 Oct – 3 Nov 2011ICT Accessibility For All GSC16-PLEN-90 Highlight of Current Activities 8 Items for the IoT-GSI work plan include: –Identification and addressing aspects –Functional architecture –Service Delivery Platform (SDP) capabilities –Requirements and capabilities for IoT use cases/applications (e.g. ITS, eHealth, Smart Metering, Smart Grids, Mobile Payments, Home Networks, Smart City, Connected consumer, etc) –Requirements and capabilities for energy saving using smart objects / Charging principles –Device management –Quality of Service –Security and privacy –Device and gateway capabilities –IoT and Cloud / IoT and Peer2Peer/DSN –Conformance and interoperability testing –IoT Governance

9 Halifax, 31 Oct – 3 Nov 2011ICT Accessibility For All GSC16-PLEN-90 Highlight of Current Activities The IoT-GSI is working on a new Recommendation: IoT-Overview which aims to cover: –High level concept (vision) –Business and social drivers, ecosystem and business models –Essential terminology –Scope (applications/services, networks, M2M, devices, security, enabling technologies, etc.) –Very High Level Requirements –Key features / key areas / key components –High level IoT diagrams –Taxonomies Target for approval: 02-2012 9

10 Halifax, 31 Oct – 3 Nov 2011ICT Accessibility For All GSC16-PLEN-90 10 Strategic Direction Attracting vertical industries ITS: Intelligent Transport System Communications –ITU-T Focus Group on Car Communication and –ITU-T Focus Group on Driver Distraction Smart Grid: –ITU-T Focus Group eHealth: –Planned workshop on eHealth (in cooperation with WHO) and related technology standards

11 Halifax, 31 Oct – 3 Nov 2011ICT Accessibility For All GSC16-PLEN-90 11 Industry Challenges Urgent need to increase engagement and coordination with IoT / M2M stakeholders across the world – Telecom SDOs – Vertical market SDOs and industry bodies – Regulators – Academic institutions – Regional bodies for providing emerging market requirements Risk: without proper consultation countries could limit deployment and use of global IoT infrastructure

12 Halifax, 31 Oct – 3 Nov 2011ICT Accessibility For All GSC16-PLEN-90 12 Next Steps / Actions –ITU provides a unique platform to discuss these challenges, foster effective coordination to provide global IoT standards and help get them deployed –GSC MSTF has been effective in bringing together several stakeholder communities –ITU invites GSC MSTF to join the efforts of the IoT Joint Coordination Activity (JCA) as well as Global Standards Initiative (GSI) –ITU encourages additional participation from its membership in the IoT JCA discussions, especially stakeholders who are not traditional SDO members

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