Preparing for the OSSLT At North Park Secondary School.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing for the OSSLT At North Park Secondary School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing for the OSSLT At North Park Secondary School

2 March Break is over...




6 What is the OSSLT? The Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) is a provincially- mandated test of reading and writing. The OSSLT is published by the Ontario Ministry of Education and is administered yearly to all grade 10 students in the province.

7 Why is the OSSLT important? The successful completion of the OSSLT is required for a high school diploma.

8 When do we write the OSSLT? Thursday, March 31 st, 2011

9 Bring Pencils Pens A highlighter DON’T Bring iPods Cell phones

10 What does this test look like? The test consists of two 75 min. sessions. You will complete one booklet during the 1st 75 min. session and a second booklet during the 2 nd session. At the end of each session, the booklet will be sealed and collected. You will have a 15 minute break between sessions.

11 What does the test consist of? Reading: Three Types Informational - paragraph and news report Literary - dialogue and real-life narrative Graphical - a schedule, map, diagram, graph, or other form of visual text

12 What kind of questions will there be on the reading section? The questions will be multiple choice or short answer and will ask for information directly stated inference ( logical guess based on evidence in the text) connections (personal opinion, connections to experiences).

13 Writing Questions Multiple Choice Questions and Writing Tasks organization of ideas sentence and paragraph structure conventions

14 Writing Tasks

15 Two Short Writing Tasks Six lines each, based on your response to set prompts Two Long Writing Tasks News report (1 page) Supported Opinion (2 pages)

16 Preparing....

17 Preparing...


19 EQAO Website...



22 Schedule 8:00 a.m. Arrive at your designated classroom rested, well-fed, and prepared with your materials. Your teacher will meet you there. 8:15 a.m. Instructions and test distribution 8:30-9:45 a.m. Booklet #1 9:45 a.m. Break 10:00-11:15 a.m. Booklet #2 The OSSLT ends at 11:15 a.m.

23 How to succeed on the OSSLT Manage your time Follow the instructions Listen to the teacher in charge Read the questions carefully Answer every question Write to an adult audience Allow time to check your work at the end


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