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Company LOGO Employers and LinkedIn Anastasia Bergmann, HRM Employment and Employee Relations Manager HealthAlliance Hospital.

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Presentation on theme: "Company LOGO Employers and LinkedIn Anastasia Bergmann, HRM Employment and Employee Relations Manager HealthAlliance Hospital."— Presentation transcript:

1 Company LOGO Employers and LinkedIn Anastasia Bergmann, HRM Employment and Employee Relations Manager HealthAlliance Hospital

2 Agenda 1. New world of recruitment 2. LinkedIn options for employers 3. Recommendations and Tips 4. Questions

3 My LinkedIn Profile

4 Most Visited Websites May 10, 2012 Google ranked #1Google ranked #1 Facebook ranked #2Facebook ranked #2 YouTube ranked #3YouTube ranked #3 Yahoo ranked #4Yahoo ranked #4 Twitter ranked #8Twitter ranked #8 Craigslist ranked #9Craigslist ranked #9 LinkedIn ranked #10LinkedIn ranked #10 WordPress ranked #23WordPress ranked #23 Indeed ranked #73Indeed ranked #73 CareerBuilder ranked # 142CareerBuilder ranked # 142 Monster ranked #143Monster ranked #143

5 LinkedIn Poll

6 LinkedIn Network * “Succeeding with How Agency Recruiters Find Top Candidates” retrieved on 5/14/2012 from

7 How Employers Use LinkedIn Develop and expand a personal network of professionals Stay in touch with former, valued, trusted colleagues for potential future employment Actively search for candidates among LinkedIn members by searching on keywords Develop a complete, keyword-rich profile for your company on LinkedIn Search for potential employees by past or current employer Search for employees based on references from recommenders you trust

8 How Employers Use LinkedIn Can ask your current employees to activate their networks to reach out to potential passive candidates for jobs Can use InMail, your internal inbox at LinkedIn Respond to questions in the Answers section of LinkedIn Can join groups at LinkedIn For a fee, can post jobs on LinkedIn and recruit and hire candidates People seeking employment can search LinkedIn free of charge

9 LinkedIn Members * “See How Recruiter Can Help Agency Recruiters Find Top Talent” retrieved on 5/14/2012 from Active Candidate Works on Job Search Has a resume ready Reads jobs & actively applies Follows many opportunities Active Candidate Works on Job Search Has a resume ready Reads jobs & actively applies Follows many opportunities Passive Candidate Works on doing their job better Not on job boards Resume not up-to-date Only listen to good opportunities Passive Candidate Works on doing their job better Not on job boards Resume not up-to-date Only listen to good opportunities Active - 20%Passive - 60%

10 * “Succeeding with How Agency Recruiters Find Top Candidates” retrieved on 5/14/2012 from

11 Job Search


13 * “Succeeding with How Agency Recruiters Find Top Candidates” retrieved on 5/14/2012 from

14 Join Groups * “Succeeding with How Agency Recruiters Find Top Candidates” retrieved on 5/14/2012 from

15 Groups Tab

16 Benefits of Joining Groups Networking Learning about industries Free advertisement Posting job openings for free Polls

17 LinkedIn Groups - Example

18 People Search


20 HealthAlliance Hospital

21 Sharing Jobs

22 Additional benefits Embedded Video Promotions

23 Careers Page

24 Page Statistics

25 Companies I follow…

26 Profile to Resume

27 2012 Trends Companies will further embrace social media recruitment and are likely to spend more time on social networking sites like LinkedIn and Facebook. Companies may consider increasing budgets for social recruiting and develop strategies utilizing social recruitment applications. Prior to in-person interviews, online interactions may occur on a social networking site. Expect more expensive career fairs and offline events be replaced with less costly networking applications. Job seekers may need to build online profiles through social networking sites to get attention of companies hiring. Expect further development of social applications within Facebook and LinkedIn.

28 LinkedIn Tips For a Strong Profile LinkedIn profile head shot Open with a solid headline Keywords are key Proper email address Connect with other LinkedIn users Get your profile to 100% complete NETWORK!!!!

29 QUESTIONS? Thank you!

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